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Running CAT5 cable with extension cords


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Here's a probably easy question. For next year I am going to have one of my contollers away from the rest of them. I have to run a couple 50' extension cords to power it up. It's only going to be running all 16 channels on a single color mega tree, 3200 mini lights or about 10.5 amps so no where near maxing it out. My plan is to mount the controller on the side of my garage and run the controll cords to the tree about 10 feet away. My question is, can I bundle the CAT5e cable together with the two extension cords to the controller without any problems from the current running through the cords interfearing with what the CT5e does? Or do I need to keep them seperated a little. The CAT5 runs pretty close to the wiring in my house from the computer to the contollers outside and once it's actually outside is actually zip tied to the power cords. Thanks.


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Best practice is to keep them separated.. In practice, I have, in the past, run several hundred feet of cat5 for LOR bundled into large numbers of 12/3 extension cords. I never experienced any issues. However, if you have issues that might look like communications issues, separating them will be the first recommended thing to try...

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My network runs underground through 4" ABS along with two power cables for about 25 feet. In another part of the display I have it run to and back from a controller along with a power cord, some SPT1 connected to a channel, and a 24VAC line, all through about 8 feet of ABS conduit. I've never had any network trouble, and have even used the show network to load new firmware. I say: "Don't worry about it."

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