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UK Users?

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Hi All

Introducing myself. I've been reading for a short time, and got here via that video that everyone knows about. Obviously its too late for this year - but I was wondering if LOR is UK (220v) compatible, and if so, are there any people over here using it? Any tips? Where do you get your lights? What sort of power provisions have you guys put in place?

The house here isnt huge, but I could probably do something with 16 channels next year, having had 12 months to plan.

Respect to everyone doing their "thing" this year - some of the pictures and videos I've seen are amazing. My favorite has to be D Brown's Feliz Navidad - but they're all amazing.

Thanks all - keep up the good work!

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While I'm from Australia, not, UK, we also have 240V, 50Hz supply. This season I bought 32 LOR channels and an running with both direct 240V rope light, and a number of types of transformer operated low voltage lights - minis and LEDs.

This year I am mainly concentrating on animations, but will try some musical sequencing soon. I have had no problems with LOR controlling our Australian lights from the 240V supply side, either for switching or fading. I am avoiding excessive switching as my earlier tests showed additional transformer heating when switching more than 2-3 times/sec. There may also be some inconsistencies in fading through the transformers, but generally I am very happy with the LOR performance on Oz lights.


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Geoff - Many thanks.

Exactly the sort of info I was after, thanks. Looking forward to seeing everyones displays on here. Anything at my house will be static, I'm waiting on the post-xmas sales to snap up some strings for next year. Going for clear lights everywhere - will hopefully cover the roof, and make some mini trees for the garden. Maybe something on top of the porch too. 12 months of planning!

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