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First Time Buyer Q

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I will be making my first LOR purchase during the sale. I was thinking about getting a compnent kit, but my dad, whose the electrical expert, told me just to buy a completely built one and then whenever I get a new one, next year or a year after, that we'll put it together. Ok, makes sense. So here's my question

I buy the starter package and the 1602w. Is there anything else I need. Also, I thought I remembered reading this somewhere long ago, that the software is downloaded and not on a CD. Is this correct? If it is, how do I go about downloading it, is there a specific link that is given to me when I purchase the starter kit?

Thanks for the help. I know I'm a newbie and ask questions that have probably been asked many times before. I just want to make my first experience a great one so I can add on in the next few years.

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musicman wrote:

I buy the starter package and the 1602w. Is there anything else I need.

Hi musicman,

In my limited knowledge that is all you will need, assuming you have a PC of course ;)

Also, I thought I remembered reading this somewhere long ago, that the software is downloaded and not on a CD. Is this correct? If it is, how do I go about downloading it, is there a specific link that is given to me when I purchase the starter kit?

The software is a download. On the order page is a note to this effect, mentioning that a download button will be on your order confirmation.


{hmmm... pipped at the post again!}
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