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Music Starts Before sequence and never catches up


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I have a bought sequence and downloaded the music, when I play it in sequence editor the music is about three blocks ahead of the light sequence. Is there a way to delete couple of tenths out before the sequence. This is my first rodeo, any help is appreciated.

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In the sequence editor, look for "Edit -> Skew Track." This will let you skew the entire sequence to align with the music.

You might want to save a backup copy, just in case.

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You might not have the latest LOR software upgrade 2.0.16 referred to as S2.

If you go to LOR S2 software suite you can find info at the top or info here, http://lightorama.mywowbb.com/forum72/16603.html and here, http://www.lightorama.com/S2Today.html

It has a bunch of new features.

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