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DIY project missing a channel

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I ordered and received my first two CTB16KDWHS'

I put the first one together and tested it as suggested and channel 13 isn't working. All the others are working great...

My thought would be a solder joint may be bad, or a chip but I don't know for sure which components go to which channel. i trippple checked all the solder joints and the seem to be okay...

I have a hunch on the layout, the board looks straight forward but I was hoping to get a second opinion before I started trouble shooting the board and swapping parts around.

Thank for any help


I would check the layout of all the components after I checked the solder joints. check the components for the channel that is not working properly and then the other components.



Thanks, I'm a dork ... Iwas so concerned about the solder joint i didn't notice the IC U16 was backwards

I hope that i didn't damage it

Thanks again


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