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Converting a .m4a File to a .mp3 File Using I-Tunes


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I ran into this problem when adding a song to a show & thought it was very helpful as it did make a copy of it without affecting my Library so just an FYI since I found nothing on a search. Ended up with a pop-up saying a song wasn't a .mp3. As a note, not sure why this song was denied as all the others were .m4a files.

If you use Apple’s iTunes software, then you can convert those tracks from within the app on your computer.

  • Load up iTunes and click on Edit in the toolbar, followed by Preferences.
  • In General Preferences, click on Import Settings.
  • You’ll spy a drop-down box and from inside there, choose MP3 Encoder.
  • Click OK and head back to your iTunes library.
  • Select the track or tracks that you wish to convert to MP3 by highlighting them. Note that you can use the Shift key to highlight multiple songs.
  • Click File, then Convert, then Create MP3 version. Note that you won’t lose the original M4A in the process.
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