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Its at this time of year I struggle with the same problem I have had for years. Each time I tell myself to mention it and I never do...... this time i am doing it.

I start creating a modified preview, then i open up one of my sequences from last year (copied to my new years folder (this time 2023)). I then sit 'forever' waiting for the sequence to import the preview from the sequence only then to apply my new preview.

Can we add a switch that allows me to disable the previous sequence preview?

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If your sequences are the same name, leave the old preview in place and create your new preview as 2023. Open the old sequence, which will use the old preview, then in sequence menu Assign New Preview. At this point if you have a revised grid view config, import that.

Shouldn't take more than a few seconds, but you may have to wait for the rendering to take place.

Your license says an older version of S5. I have found S6.2.2 to be noticbly faster at rendering than earlier, but it also depends on the content and complexity of the sequence.

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I do it the way Phil describes. Always start with making your new preview, ESPECIALLY if you are adding new props. I can get through updating my 15 sequences in less than 30 minutes. Now, I must say, adding sequencing for the new props is a whole 'nother issue!  

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@philmassey actually i have 6.2.2, i just forget to update my profile with the updated license.

I do it the same way as you do, but it takes forever with complex sequences. I just wish I could open an old sequence and be allowed to immediately change preview but I cant, I have to wait for it to import the old preview first, then the menu allows me to re-assign a new preview.

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6 hours ago, ndutton said:

I have to wait for it to import Render the old preview first,


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message on the screen suggest it is 'importing' (https://www.dropbox.com/s/ksfjo7jq0ow1657/importing.png?dl=0)

With that all said, I somewhat fixed my problem simply by installing LoR on my main desk top in addition to my show computer. The show computer that I was doing this on is an old 1.5GHz Pentium class machine. To reduce the pain I ran the exercise on my desktop a 4.5GHz machine..... That solved the issue but it remains a pain as now I have to remap dependent files when I copy stuff back to the show machine.



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A 1.5 GHz machine is still fine for show purposes, but the days of it being enough for Sequencing are long gone.

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Yea, I would not even consider sequencing on a 1.5 Ghz Pentium!  No wonder it's taking so long!

Here is a solution to the remapping dependent files.  On every computer that I have LOR installed, I have a mapped network drive of L:  That is where all the LOR files are kept.  In the case of the three computers at the house, that is actually a shared drive on my file server.  However for this desktop at work and my laptop, that is just a folder on the local had drive (happens to be:  C:\Users\jwalls\Documents\Light-O-Rama ).  As far as LOR is concerned, it's ALWAYS L:\  Obviously files need to be moved (except on the three computer using the file server), but no re-mapping of file destinations between the comptuers.

If you don't know how to map a network drive (even if it's local), please ask - it's easy.


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That's my ritual too, open 22 sequence, assign 23 preview, import 23 grid than save as 23 sequence.  I have a spreadsheet to track each sequence so those are the first 3 columns and as I add a new prop, I have a column for it and mark that off too as I complete it.  I have been using MIIP, Bob has been able to do a mass update so I don't have to change the show names manually

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7 minutes ago, TexasLights said:

That's my ritual too, open 22 sequence, assign 23 preview, import 23 grid than save as 23 sequence.  I have a spreadsheet to track each sequence

Same concept for me.  In my case the spreadsheet is a Google Sheet so I can easily see it from different locations.

8 minutes ago, TexasLights said:

I have been using MIIP, Bob has been able to do a mass update so I don't have to change the show names manually

I also use MIIP, but I still need to update the file names because every time I save a sequence it gets a new filename.  For example:  Joy to the world 2023-05-02c.loredit  That would be the third save of the Joy to the world sequence on 2 May 2023.  Each year has a separate folder too, but that is not a problem for MIIP.


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Also a google sheets user, so simple... 

I use a folder per song, in your case, it would _joy and each one has all of the old sequences in it.  I also put any artifacts like picture files in that folder. I only keep 1 per year and let the daily backups keep any history in case I really mess things up.

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