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Dennis Laff

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I'm having trouble trying to open Superstar in S6.2 to create a sequence. any help wood be appreciated.

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Hi Jim in S4 you could just open Superstar but in S6 I don't see how to just open Superstar. 

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Hi Don I'm trying to create a sequence using Superstar like in S4 so then i can add it to my sequence you use to be able to open just Superstar to sequence in I don't see how to just open Superstar.

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Did you try this? From the link I posted?

Once you have the Pro license then the way to use SuperStar in S6 is to do the following:

1.Select some of all of a motion effect row (To select all of a row do right click on the row and select “Select” and then select “Row”).
2.Right click on the region you just selected and select Insert SuperStar Effect
3.Wait a few seconds and SuperStar will launch.
4.Do your sequencing.


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Don i understand how to add the Superstar effect to the sequence but you use to be able to create a sequence just in Superstar, that's what i want to do. 

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Superstar is S5/S6 isn't designed to be run by just opening Superstar.

Yes, you can go find the .EXE file and open it directly, but that's not how it's intended to be used with the software. (And might introduce other errors. Not sure.)

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As Don mentioned, in S5 and S6 the intended usage is to launch superstar from the Sequencer. However, you can launch superstar directly if you desire. In S6 there is no link in the user interface to launch superstar directly. You will need to find the .exe file and launch it directly or right click on the .exe file and create a link. The .exe file will be at one of the following two places:

c:/ Program Files (x86) / Light-O-Rama / SSEdit.exe


c:/ Program Files / Light-O-Rama / SSEdit.exe

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Or the start menu.  There's still a item in the windows start menu.


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