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possible add a repeat option to a musical sequence for a specific number of times?

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I know on an animated sequence you can use loops to get it to repeat a specific number of times, and I understand that a loop is not available on a musical sequence.  Could it be possible to add a repeat function that could be attached to the sequence either at the sequence level or preferrably the show tab level where we could specify the number of times the entire sequence beginning to end would repeat.  Say I have a two minute audio monolog sequence that I would like to have start up 16 minutes before show start.  Currently I have to load 8 instances of the sequence so it will cover those 16 minutes.  It would be nice to be able to tag it with a repeat number in the edit show tabs  and only have to list it once.  I hope that I explained what I was thinking correctly!

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Based on how I read your message, what you want has been there since at least 2004.

Create a show. Add a single musical sequence. Schedule the show to run 16 minutes before the main show starts. The show will play, repeating the one musical sequence in the show.

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11 hours ago, Don said:

Create a show. Add a single musical sequence. Schedule the show to run 16 minutes before the main show starts. The show will play, repeating the one musical sequence in the show.

Don it never occurred to me to run it as a separate show, now I feel stupid lol!  My brain was wrapped around everything in one show file.  Thanks! that will work for me!

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Yes, that works great for computer run shows, but not for a Director run show.  When I create a startup sequence using the Director I have to create a 16-minute-long musical file, and I have to use a music editor to copy and paste the message in the message file up to the length I need, so if each message is 2 minutes long (like bdwillie's) I have to copy my message 7 times from the original, to create that 16 minute audio file, then save it out as my OpeningMessage startup sequence file.

With a Director it gets a little more complicated, but can still be done.


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