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Questions about the kit

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Sorry if this has been asked before (I am getting confused going through numerous posts) but what will the kit include? Just the parts for the board? Or enclosures and power cables etc?

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LightsByGreg wrote:

Sorry if this has been asked before (I am getting confused going through numerous posts) but what will the kit include? Just the parts for the board? Or enclosures and power cables etc?

It's a Hobbyist board that you have to put together. Nothing else included.
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Dale W wrote:

Does it come assembled?

This does get a bit confusing.

There are the showtime products ( They are ready to plug in )...

There are the hobbyist products (soon to be renamed componets)... They are fully assembled but you need to add power cords and an enclosure.

There is now the DIY Kit. It is not assembled. You need to solder it together.
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Here's a question for Dan.
Will it be possible to buy the parts to "upgrade" a standard DIY controller
to a delux controller in the future. For example, if I build a standard
kit now, and decide I want to make it run in stand-alone later on, Could
I buy the parts to upgrade later ? Just trying to budget my buy next week.

I'm also assuming that with the standard kit, the hardware utility will be used
to set the controller ID ?


T minus Five Days :)

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blenderchild wrote:


Here's a question for Dan.
Will it be possible to buy the parts to "upgrade" a standard DIY controller
to a delux controller in the future. For example, if I build a standard
kit now, and decide I want to make it run in stand-alone later on, Could
I buy the parts to upgrade later ? Just trying to budget my buy next week.

I'm also assuming that with the standard kit, the hardware utility will be used
to set the controller ID ?


T minus Five Days :)

I do not have plans to sell an "upgrade" kit.

You are correct, the hardware utility will be used to set the controller ID.
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