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One controller in group flipped in Sequencer


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I've been doing this for coming on 4 years now and I literally three days ago figured out how to use groups.

Our main tree runs on 3 PixCon16's. In the past years I had them seperate in the sequencer, putting any motion effects on each port/row and having it be just the same all around. Since I've discovered the "hidden" feature of groups (sarcasm) now I just apply the motion to the group and then if I'm doing a scan then apply it to the ports. I'm sure there's a better way to do scans but I'm in crunch time.

Anyway, hoping someone can help with the following: when I apply a scan from top to bottom individually everything appears correct in the visualizer, but if I do a motion effect to the full group like snowflake or pinwheel PixCon16 #1 shows flipped. 


It's flipped for snowflake, having PixCon 1 port 16 at the bottom, this is pinwheel and no clue what the heck is going on with this; seems like PixCon 3 is also flipped.

For the group I have it set to V Stack, PixCon 1 port 1 at the top in the group definition (bottom-most in the preview) and PixCon 3 port 16 at the bottom (top in preview).  

I'm not sure how to fix this in the visualizer since going from bottom to top looks correct. I'm haven't had a chance to see what it looks like IRL, so I can't rule out a preview glitch.


Any ideas would be appreciated!


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resort the Props in your Group Definition - swap the top and bottom props..

Green Arrows & Notes @ bottom of Arrangement Panel

Edited by Jimehc
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For whatever reason, most likely how I have things laid out, even after reordering the props in the group it was still showing weird no matter what I did.

I set it to Preview Order and now the visualizer is showing correctly. I'll be able to confirm on Monday when I get to actually run some tests! 

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Check the start location of the first pixel. Usually with the preview, if what you see on the preview is what you should see outside. If its not the same, check the programming of your Pixcon16's.

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