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LOR Change Channels Settings

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Under the channel settings options, I will be using my digital i/o card along with 16 channels from LOR.

My question is, under the settings options, The 'Unit' Starts with a 0, also the 'Circuit" starts with a 0...Can you start with UNIT-1, Channel-1, Unit 2, Channel-1, etc or does it have to start with Unit-0, Channel-0?

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John Pidliskey wrote:

Under the channel settings options, I will be using my digital i/o card along with 16 channels from LOR.

My question is, under the settings options, The 'Unit' Starts with a 0, also the 'Circuit" starts with a 0...Can you start with UNIT-1, Channel-1, Unit 2, Channel-1, etc or does it have to start with Unit-0, Channel-0?

John, I am unclear if you are asking about LOR or the dio card configuration but:

The DIO unit number (ie 0-zero) must match the dip switch settings on you card as indicated in the manual for you specific dio manufacturer. The channel setting must start with zero, no choices here.

If LOR you may assign any unit number you wish as long as it corresponds to the rotary dip switches on the board.
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OK, Bill I think I've got it. I loaded my Insacal software and found the DIO card is configured as board zero. So I guess for the 96 channels I want to configure in LOR, all the channels will be defined as Unit-0.

So with that, I'm assuming the channels will be defined as 0 thru 95. Therefore, my first DIO box would be Unit-0, Channels 0-7, then second box would be Unit-0, Channels 8-15, and so on...

Would this be correct?

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