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S6 Bug - Music plays past the selected range in Motion Effect Generator

Go to solution Solved by MattBrown,

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When you select a section of a motion effect row (say 5 second section) and go to insert motion effect, when the motion effect generator comes up and you select one and it plays, the music plays to the end of the song. It doesn't just play the section you have selected. I uninstalled S6 and went back to S5.6.8 to test. S5 only plays the part of the song that is selected. S6 plays from there till the end until you either close out of the motion effect generator or hit play again and it starts over but keeps playing. Not that big of a deal but it's nice when it only places the selected time frame.

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  • 1 month later...

Found another issue. If you select a range on a motion effect row and go to motion effect generator, it only plays that selection of music selected. Which is the way it is supposed to. Tonight, I had a section selected and open the motion effect generator. I clicked on play, and it started playing. While it was still playing, I clicked on Select Picture to find a picture to put on my mega tree and the music kept playing. I was also able to recreate it if I double clicked an effect that had a picture already in it and then clicked Select Picture while the music was still playing. Not a big deal but wanted to report it.

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