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whats the cost going to be for S6


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I know that the Beta testing for S6 goes until August.  Does any one know what the cost will be for me to go from s5 basic plus to S6?  I have not jumped in all the way yet and will likely pass the August date before i can get to it.  I am not sure i am ready to upgrade though.

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If you wait until S6 is released, you can upgrade to Standard for $20, and according to the license level upgrade page, the upgrade to S6 will be included:


When you purchase a License Level Upgrade, you get a Major Release Upgrade for free, which allows you to download the latest version of software, as well as unlock your new license level's features.

Those of us who are already at the Pro level can't purchase a license level upgrade, so we'll have to pay $29.95 for the major release upgrade.

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I want to get started on making changes to my sequences but if i will not have access to S6 for Halloween and christmas i feel like i should uninstall it and put S5 back on.  i need to know i will have S6 through the Christmas season and i can bring sequences into it.  I thought that i saw that the S6 files do not go back to S5.  and i dont want to make temporary changes that i just have to do all over again.  What are you all doing?  i feel like i am in limbo. I am still a novice in all of this. 

i do like some of the foundational changes i see.  like one interface for the applications.  i haven't seen any changes to how sequencing happens or major improvements there.  That's about all i have ventured into so far. 

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Beta testing is for those who expect to find problems and are willing to deal with setbacks those might cause.

S6 will go back to S5. Right now, you can't use the two new Motion Effects (Snowflake and Spinner, I think) and revert back to S5, though you will when everything is completed.

There are no major changed to the sequencer. The only real changes are the two new effects mentioned about. If you don't use those, then you have nothing to worry about. If you are concerned, then stay on S5 and make your changes there. When S6 is announced as a Public release, then do your upgrade. (And then, only if you want.)

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You probably won't use them, but if you were to use S6 to add the new snowflake prop, or add a new RGBW prop to your Preview, then S5 won't open a sequence using that Preview. In other words, unless you really explore all the new Beta features, you have an excellent chance of being able to downgrade to S5 and using the sequences you edited with S6.

Not only that, but at the speed at which they are fixing Beta bugs, I have every confidence that I will be able to use S6 to play my Halloween show, even if the software is still Beta.

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For what it's worth, I am currently running my landscape show on S6 and at this point, I am fully expecting to run Halloween and Christmas with S6.


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sounds like i can move forward with using S6.  I have 2 laptops.  one is my lightshow laptop and thats its only job.  it currently has S5 and my personal Laptop with S6 where i do my Sequencing.  i am still figuring our what i am doing this year with some of my new adds and a new controller.  I am building my preview in S6 and was worried my efforts will be in vain when they take it away.  I am using it and will report any bugs i find though based on all of your responses what i am doing now will likely not not produce any bugs.  Thank you all for the advice on the system.  I will look forward to being able to purchase the new software.

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I suspect that if they find a release 'show stopper' bug, the beta expire will be extended .

At the rate of bug stomping, I don't think you need worry.

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