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S6 Superstar Morph Custom color


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I can't seem to get Superstar to accept palette color for the first color box in Morph setup. It will take the "default" palette and will cycle through them but upon selecting a custom color, is put in the second column, not the first. Second third and fourth columns seek to work fine

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I had not noticed such a problem, but just tried it.  Unable to duplicate your reported problem.  Can you describe in detail what steps you are taking?


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Select area to be sequences in SE, right click, select insert SS

Tools, select Morphs

Select area in SS Sequencing grid you want to insert the Morph, 4 color columns (2 main, 2 tail) default to Red, Red, Red, Black I guess

Put cursor in far left square of main Start, you can observe the color change as you left click on it

Right click on it instead, select a color other than the defaults, Hit OK

That color appears as the END, not the start. color selected appears as the "End" of main


You can select Main end, Tail start or Tail end and color is accepted as you select






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I don't think I have ever selected color in SuperStar by using the palette (I usually just click the little boxes on the color bar graph) - however tried it your way and confirmed your observed problem with 6.0.4.

Since 6.0.6 just came out, I installed that on this computer and tied it again.  Same thing on 6.0.6.


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Thanks for finding this bug. I have duplicated the bug and found the problem. It will be fixed in the next release.

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