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Bug report - Interactive groups not working properly (Resolved)


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Now that I am done with the 4th of July and back to my normal year round show, I found a new bug.

My year round landscape lighting shows (evening and overnight) each have a bunch of channels that do some lighting changes, and also an interactive group called "Steps".  This controls the lights on my front porch steps.  Within the Steps interactive group, there are three sequences that each use different triggers (on an InputPup).  The interactive group is a Jukebox type interactive.  The description for a Jukebox type interactive is:  "Only one sequence can play at any given time.  If a sequence from this group is playing when the trigger occurs, the trigger is ignored and the sequence continues playing." <descripting given for other readers - I KNOW Matt knows this>.  Here is a log extract that shows a proper function of the Interactive:

2022-07-07 08:19:42    Player    INFO    Starting Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening fast 2021-01-03.loredit
2022-07-07 08:21:55    Player    INFO    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-07 08:21:55    Player    INFO    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:22:56    Player    INFO    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:23:42    Player    INFO    Stopping Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening fast 2021-01-03.loredit
2022-07-07 08:23:42    Player    INFO    Starting Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening slow 2021-01-03.loredit

In this case, I opened my front door only long enough to verify that the interactive turned up the porch steps lights properly, and then I closed the door.  The "Steps up from door" sequence played for the length of the sequence - one minute, and stopped.  All correct.

One little tidbit to know is that if a trigger condition exists on an InputPup, the InputPup will send the trigger every 5 seconds as long as the trigger condition continues to exist.  Here is where the problem occurred.  A few minutes later I opened the front door and stepped out.  Before I closed the door, the 5 second resend from the InputPup occurred, and the Show Player restarted the Front Door sequence - which it should not have because there already was a sequence playing in the Steps interactive group.  Seeing a problem, I left the door open a while longer to confirm my observation.  About 20 seconds later, I walked out to my truck which triggered a different input, and the Show Player triggered the sequence "Steps up from driveway" that is associated with that trigger.  Again, it should have ignored the input because the Front door sequence was still playing.  Here is the log extract:

2022-07-07 08:35:42    Player    INFO    Starting Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening fast 2021-01-03.loredit
2022-07-07 08:37:07    Player    INFO    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-07 08:37:07    Player    INFO    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:37:12    Player    INFO    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-07 08:37:12    Player    INFO    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:37:17    Player    INFO    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-07 08:37:17    Player    INFO    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:37:23    Player    INFO    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-07 08:37:23    Player    INFO    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:37:27    Player    INFO    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-07 08:37:28    Player    INFO    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:37:40    Player    INFO    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:37:40    Player    INFO    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:37:40    Player    INFO    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:37:40    Player    INFO    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:37:40    Player    INFO    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:37:42    Player    INFO    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 6
2022-07-07 08:37:42    Player    INFO    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from driveway 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:38:27    Player    INFO    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from driveway 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:39:42    Player    INFO    Stopping Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening fast 2021-01-03.loredit
2022-07-07 08:39:42    Player    INFO    Starting Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening slow 2021-01-03.loredit

A few minutes later I waked back to the house, again triggering the driveway sensor (twice - I'll explain that in a moment), and then the door switch.  Here's that log extract:

2022-07-07 08:39:42    Player    INFO    Starting Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening slow 2021-01-03.loredit
2022-07-07 08:41:42    Player    INFO    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 6
2022-07-07 08:41:42    Player    INFO    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from driveway 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:41:43    Player    INFO    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 6
2022-07-07 08:41:43    Player    INFO    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from driveway 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:41:55    Player    INFO    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-07 08:41:55    Player    INFO    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:42:00    Player    INFO    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-07 08:42:00    Player    INFO    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:42:05    Player    INFO    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from driveway 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:42:05    Player    INFO    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from driveway 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:42:05    Player    INFO    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-07 08:42:05    Player    INFO    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:42:25    Player    INFO    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:42:25    Player    INFO    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:42:25    Player    INFO    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-07 08:43:42    Player    INFO    Stopping Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening slow 2021-01-03.loredit
2022-07-07 08:43:42    Player    INFO    Starting Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening fast 2021-01-03.loredit

The reason that the driveway sensor triggered twice is that the driveway sensor is an IR light beam, so as I walked, one leg crossed the beam causing the trigger which cleared a fraction of a second later.  The next second, my other leg crossed the beam causing the second trigger.

Here is the settings for the Steps group:




Edited by k6ccc
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I did not expect this to have been fixed in 6.0.4 since that came out only an hour or so after this bug report.  However, I have confirmed that this bug still exists in 6.0.4.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Reported fixed in Beta 6.0.6  Loaded on my server (what runs the landscaping show) and waited for it to get dark so the show would start.

Problem is partially fixed.  In my Steps Jukebox type Interactive group, there are three triggers that can trigger three different sequences as follows:

Reg., Unit 9, Input 5 = Front door switch

Reg,. Unit 9, Input 6 = Driveway light beam

Reg., Unit 9, Input 7 = Walkway light beam

The reported problem in 6.0.2 & 6.0.4 was that if an input trigger from any of those triggers, it would interrupt another sequence in the Interactive group.  That included the same sequence.  An interactive group should not interrupt another sequence in that same group.

Now with 6.0.6, If a trigger causes one of the sequences to start, the same trigger a few seconds later will not cause the sequence to start again, but if one of the other sequences in the group gets triggered, that sequence will start - interrupting the playing sequence in the same group.

The Landscaping Fast and Slow sequences are both exactly 4:00.00 long and are Musical sequences.  The Interactive sequences are either 45 or 60 seconds long and are Animation sequences.

Here is an annotated player log extract:

2022-07-25 20:08:33    Player    Information    Starting Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening fast 2021-01-03.loredit
2022-07-25 20:12:34    Player    Information    Stopping Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening fast 2021-01-03.loredit
2022-07-25 20:12:34    Player    Information    Starting Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening slow 2021-01-03.loredit

I opened the front door (correctly triggering the Front door sequence).

2022-07-25 20:14:22    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-25 20:14:22    Player    Information    Stopping Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening slow 2021-01-03.loredit
2022-07-25 20:14:22    Player    Information    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit

Opened and closed the front door several times, and the trigger was detected, but correctly did not restart the Front door sequence.

2022-07-25 20:14:27    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-25 20:14:32    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-25 20:14:37    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5

Broke the light beam for the walkway.  Because the Front door sequence was still playing, the Walkway trigger should have been ignored.

2022-07-25 20:14:41    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 7
2022-07-25 20:14:41    Player    Information    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-25 20:14:41    Player    Information    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from walkway 2022-02-09.loredit

Repeated several times with various of the three triggers.

2022-07-25 20:14:54    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-25 20:14:54    Player    Information    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from walkway 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-25 20:14:54    Player    Information    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-25 20:15:10    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 6
2022-07-25 20:15:10    Player    Information    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-25 20:15:10    Player    Information    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from driveway 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-25 20:15:18    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 7
2022-07-25 20:15:18    Player    Information    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from driveway 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-25 20:15:18    Player    Information    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from walkway 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-25 20:15:23    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 7
2022-07-25 20:15:28    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-25 20:15:28    Player    Information    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from walkway 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-25 20:15:28    Player    Information    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-25 20:15:48    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-25 20:15:53    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-25 20:15:56    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 7
2022-07-25 20:15:56    Player    Information    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-25 20:15:56    Player    Information    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from walkway 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-25 20:15:58    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-25 20:15:58    Player    Information    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from walkway 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-25 20:15:58    Player    Information    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit

The other thing I did not notice when I was out triggering the interactives, but saw in the log extract and confirmed by reviewing security camera video is that when the interactive was triggered, the main show sequence was stopped - which it should not have.  The Main show sequence started after the last of the interactives completed.  On second thought, I was watching the show player via the mobile app, and I did notice that the main sequence stopped - but assumed it was a reporting issue, not actually stopping the sequence.

Light-O-Rama Control Panel (64-bit)
Version 6.0.6 (BETA)
Copyright 2022 Light-O-Rama, Inc.
Pro Edition
Registered to: Jim Walls

Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Essentials 64-bit
Intel® Xeon® CPU   L5520 @ 2.27GHz
Microsoft Basic Display Adapter


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  • The title was changed to Bug report - Interactive groups not working properly (Resolved)

A little more detail from the player log (my post two posts up from Monday 25 July details what the triggers are if someone wants to know):

Triggers behaving correctly.

2022-07-29 19:56:54    Player    Information    Registering interactive triggers: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Year-round_Evening.lss
2022-07-29 19:56:54    Player    Information    Starting Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening fast 2021-01-03.loredit
2022-07-29 19:59:57    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-29 19:59:57    Player    Information    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-29 20:00:02    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-29 20:00:07    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 7
2022-07-29 20:00:08    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 7
2022-07-29 20:00:14    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 6
2022-07-29 20:00:31    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 6
2022-07-29 20:00:55    Player    Information    Stopping Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening fast 2021-01-03.loredit
2022-07-29 20:00:55    Player    Information    Starting Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening slow 2021-01-03.loredit
2022-07-29 20:00:57    Player    Information    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-29 20:01:00    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 6
2022-07-29 20:01:00    Player    Information    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from driveway 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-29 20:01:07    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 7
2022-07-29 20:01:11    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-29 20:01:16    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-29 20:01:21    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 6
2022-07-29 20:01:23    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 6
2022-07-29 20:01:36    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 6
2022-07-29 20:01:36    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 6
2022-07-29 20:01:45    Player    Information    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from driveway 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-29 20:04:53    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 6
2022-07-29 20:04:53    Player    Information    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from driveway 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-29 20:04:53    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 6
2022-07-29 20:04:55    Player    Information    Stopping Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening slow 2021-01-03.loredit
2022-07-29 20:04:55    Player    Information    Starting Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening fast 2021-01-03.loredit
2022-07-29 20:05:00    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-29 20:05:05    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-29 20:05:10    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-29 20:05:15    Player    Information    Trigger detected: Regular, Unit 09, Input 5
2022-07-29 20:05:38    Player    Information    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from driveway 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-07-29 20:08:55    Player    Information    Stopping Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening fast 2021-01-03.loredit
2022-07-29 20:08:55    Player    Information    Starting Main: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Landscaping evening slow 2021-01-03.loredit


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