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Bug Report - Issues with Cloud Connection


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I just installed 6.0.0 and when I open the control panel, my cloud icon is either a cloud with a slash through it or a cloud with an x. I have a spare android phone as well and the app shows a cloud with an x. When I attempt to login via the app, I don't get any error or process that the app is logging in.

Control Panel and Android app


OS Windows 10 Pro 64 bit





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  • The title was changed to Bug Report - Issues with Cloud Connection

Same thing.  It worked initially, but is not longer connecting.  Confirmed that the cloud symbol on the S6 control panel is not slashed, and I am trying to connect to the correct Display number (I currently have two - this computer where I am is configured as display 9 and the server at home is display 7), and I have restarted both the S6 installations and force stopped and restarted the Android app.


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Decoder ring:

Slash - means connection is disabled by the user. In other words, you don't want to allow a remote connection to your Control Panel.

X - means the Control Panel was unable to connect to the cloud. Either your computer is not connected to the Internet or there is a problem with the cloud service.

! - means the Control Panel is connected to the cloud, but the phone app is not connected.

✓ - means the Control Panel is connected and the phone app is connected.

It's not your situation, but for others reading this - the cloud service only allows one LOR license/display # combination to connect at a time. So if you have 2 computers with the same license and display number, the last Control Panel to connect to the cloud wins (the other will display an "X"). Same goes for the phone app.


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Both computers have internet access.  Both computers running S6 have different display # (this one is 9, the server at home is 7), and both computers and the phone app show the cloud with an x.  Exited S6 (including killing the LorTray.exe via the task manager), and doing a force stop on the phone app and then restarting it does not make any difference.  Phone app just stays on the login page.


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I see the same thing.

Since my computer is connected to the Internet (obviously, since I'm using it to compose this message in Firefox), it must be a problem with the cloud service.

Windows 10 Home version 21H2, 64-bit.
Xfinity WiFi modem (not using an external router or WiFi access point).

Edited by Steven
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Me thinks there was something going on behind the scenes.  Both computers and my phone were showing the cloud with x, but a while later, they are all cloud with ! - without me doing anything.  But I still could not connect.  Just for grins, I tried changing this local computer to Display 1, and selected Display 1 on my phone and almost immediately connected.  Exited the phone app and changed this computer to Display 2, started the phone app and selected display 2.  No connection.  I'll test further after I get home.


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Same thing on the server.  Change the Display number to 1 on both the computer and phone, and connectivity works fine.


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Cloud connected this morning for the first time. Was able to test and control the show from my Android phone. 

Nice job.

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We had the capacity of the cloud server set at a very low level for alpha testing and it maxed out as soon as the beta started. We got the server capacity bumped up which is why things magically got better. We will be watching more closely going forward.


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My observation is that it is highly unreliable.  For example, if I disable and then re-enable the cloud control on my S6 instance, the cloud symbol will change to ! indicating that it is communication with the LOR server, but none of my remote devices are connected to this S6 instance.  If i do nothing, within anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, the cloud symbol will return the the x indicating that it is not connected to the LOR server.

Further, while the cloud symbol on the S6 instance is in the ! state, if I attempt to connect my phone to it, it will frequently show the check mark for connection established on the S6 instance, but will show the ! state on the phone with text in red reading: "Connected, waiting for response from computer..."


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It seems to help my Android  phone connect if I force close the app using Close All, then restart the app.

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Tried it again this morning, and it would not connect until I force closed the app on the phone. Then it hooked straight up.

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Same thing on the phone end here.  Connected fine after force stop and restart on the phone AND disabling and re-enabling the cloud connection on the S6 instance.  Sometime after the last time I looked at it last night, it had switched to the x.


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On 7/2/2022 at 3:49 PM, k6ccc said:

If i do nothing, within anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, the cloud symbol will return the the x indicating that it is not connected to the LOR server.

We've found the source of this issue and it will be fixed in the next release. With the fix, the Control Panel will stay connected indefinitely.

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6.0.4 does in fact appear to make the S6 instance stay connected to the LOR server, but I am still seeing the situation where the phone app (after doing a forced stop and restart) says that it is: "Connected, waiting for response from computer." with the ! in the cloud - but the computer is showing the check mark.

Also as noted before, only works with display 1.  Set the computer and phone app to any other number and it will not connect at all.


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