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Editing an exported/imported lpeprop file


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I have a few non pixel prop files that I have been using for years, from I believe S4.  I have been exporting/importing them into new previews when needed.  I have no idea where I downloaded them from originally at this point.  Is there some way to edit these files I.E. change the extension and they would be recognized in an editor of some sort?  I need to change one a bit and can find no way to edit it.  If I open the prop in the preview design, the prop definition just says Lines-unconnected, with no visual of the prop.  If I use the drop down to the advanced, and then edit advanced buffer layout, there is nothing there either.  I am sure I am overlooking something obvious that is right there in front of me but having a brain freeze at the moment.  I have included one of the prop files as an example.  Thanks in advance!

BM Toy Soldier Kenny.lpeprop

Edited by bdwillie
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I just downloaded it, saved that to my ImportExport directory and imported it into an existing preview.  It shows up fine, although rather small.  It is a single color of red on a LOR Regular network Unit ID 04, channel 07.  My opinion is that you put WAY more effort into that than you needed to.  It looks very pretty, but for the purpose, it could have been nothing more than a very simple stick figure (or even a single line or a single dot).

Also note that it positioned itself WAY down at the bottom of the screen.  I wonder if it is showing up off screen for you?


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It is an XML (text) file

Notepad++ (and even Notepad, but it wont give as pretty a Code view)

Right click the fie: Pick Notepad++ (if installed 👍 ) or use Open with and choose notepad from More apps  you should see the cod (un pretty version)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PixelEditorPropExport version="1">
  <PropClass id="86c7d3a4-70cd-4ff0-8f6f-69e306ca8a23" BulbShape="Hexagon" ChannelGrid="Regular,04,7,7,0,Red" Comment="" CustomBulbColor="FFFFFF80" DeviceType="LOR" DimmingCurveName="None" IndividualChannels="True" LegacySequenceMethod="" MaxChannels="512" Opacity="255" PreviewBulbSize="1" RgbOrder="RGB order" MasterPropId="" SeparateIds="False" StartLocation="n/a" StringType="Traditional" TraditionalColors="Red" TraditionalType="Channel_per_color" EffectBulbSize="1" Tag="" Name="BM Toy Soldier Kenny" Parm1="109" Parm2="482">
    <shape ShapeName="Lines-Unconnected">
      <point x="-0.6327185" y="-0.907398" />
      <point x="-0.6326165" y="-0.8950813" />
      <point x="-0.6326165" y="-0.8950813" />



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56 minutes ago, k6ccc said:

Also note that it positioned itself WAY down at the bottom of the screen.  I wonder if it is showing up off screen for you?


No it's not showing off screen, I have it left center screen and small to fit under an arch, and indeed it is red and the ID and channel is what it is on for our layout..  It represents a small blow mold for me.  I didn't make the little bugger, got it as a free download years back.  just was wondering if it could be edited some way.  Trust me I have lots of dots, squares, and lines elsewhere! LOL!  Where ever I downloaded it from had old pages of stuff for S3 and S4, both props and sequences. From the looks of it at the time the page was made, S4 was a new thing.  Also got a snowman and a santa prop at the same time that is about the same style.  Thanks Jim for looking at it!  See ya!

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6 minutes ago, TheDucks said:

It is an XML (text) file

Notepad++ (and even Notepad, but it wont give as pretty a Code view)

Just tried it and said NOPE!  over my head!  Thanks!  Will just leave it be!

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When I switched from S4 to S5 I had this issue with a couple of Dumb RGB Props. and the only fix I found was to change the prop definition to Custom prop and create it using the spread sheet and number all the pixels as #1. The Lines-unconnected prop definition worked ok with the prop by itself but when I added the prop to a prop group it did not work in sync with all the other props as I intended. That's what I did for the fix. 


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