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Superstar avi file

rick gurnee

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I've used LOR software for 15 years... I've used S5 for 15 days, so I'm definitely a newbie on S5.  I've watch all of the videos, read a good part of the manuals and read a lot of the topics on this forum.  I think I have my Preview pretty set.  I've converted a couple of my S4 sequences and they went well.  I've practiced sequencing a new song so I could use motion effects and other new features.  I noticed that when I sequence part of a song in Superstar it creates an avi file.  From this forum I now understand the Sequencer uses that avi file to display the information on the playback window.  I don't believe these are used when running a show.

The problem is that every time you make a change in Superstar a new avi file is created and the old one is not deleted.  I read several old forum topics on this subject  using older versions of S5 but none of them resulted in a final solution.  You can use the Sequence/File Reference tab to see the ones that are being used, but it doesn't show the old ones.  And the file names have a date and time in them but no reference to which sequence they came from.  One suggestion was to put each sequence in its own directory and then you could manually delete the ones that aren't in the Sequence/File Reference tab.  That sounds like a lot of work.

Has anybody come up with a better solution.  Each of my songs is generating 5-7 avi files.  While this isn't bad for my songs that I sequenced in s4 (I won't be changing them so I should only create 5-7 avi files) I could generate 100 of files while I work on new songs.

One thought I had was to write a JAVA program that reads every LOREDIT file in a directory and browse the XML code looking for the <superstar tag and create a table of the movieFile entries.  Then I would read all of the avi files in that directory and delete any that are not in my table.

Before I do that, is there any chance that S6 will delete the old avi files? or possibly someone has a better idea.

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Or have SS use the actual Sequence Name as part of its naming process... instead of just random ID numbers

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I put each sequence in a separate directory.  And the way I sequence, normally I only have one .avi file so it's not too bad...



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Thanks Matt, that will be helpful.  Not knowing when I will be going to S6, I went ahead and wrote a short JAVA program that found the AVI files that are not needed and deleted them.

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