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Bonjour, lorsque j’enregistre une séquence avec des effets Superstar, les sous-fichiers SS sont créés dans le fichier Sequence de LightOrama, ce qui augmente la taille du fichier et si je dois déplacer une séquence dans l’ordinateur portable, il est nécessaire de faire une recherche pour tous les fichiers SS qui appartiennent à la séquence. Dans un avenir proche, serait-il possible d’inclure ces fichiers (SS) dans la séquence finie (Loredit) pour une meilleure portabilité d’une machine à l’autre.
J’utilise un ordinateur de bureau pour faire mes séquences, que j’exporte ensuite vers un ordinateur portable que j’utilise pour mon spectacle musical.


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Sorry, I have the forum in French and it translated automatically.

Hello, when I record a sequence with Superstar effects, SS sub files are created in the Sequence file of LightOrama, which increases the size of the file and if I have to move a sequence in the laptop, it is necessary to make a search for all SS files that belong to the sequence. In the near future would it be possible to include these files (SS) in the finished sequence (Loredit) for better portability from one machine to another.
I use a desktop computer to make my sequences, which I then export to a laptop which I use for my Musical Show.


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Hi Pedro, I'm no expert whereas BrianBruderer is the master and also the programmer of SuperStar. I think you might just be looking for the output files from SS to move. They should be in either the LOR subdirectory "Superstar" or maybe the Import/Export directory of SS. The newer S5 software allows you to go directly from the main sequencer to SS by first selecting the effects row for the prop you are using, then selecting to create a SS Effect for it. It takes you too SS by itself with your specifications already in place. In SS, you create your effect sequence and when done, it automatically sends it back to the main sequencer along with the data. Somewhere along the line, I think it stores those modifications to your sequence, certainly in the sequence itself but I think separately too in a file.

Personally I never use a second machine to program sequence with vs a machine to play them on. I use only one but I back everything up on multiple machines or drives, flash and etc. so I don't chance losing any hard work!

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Hello dgrant,

Thank you for your reply,
When I record a sequence with S5, example: (Amazing Grace), it will be stored in the Lor subdirectory; (Sequences), if in the sequence (Amazing Grace) I create SS effects, they will also be stored in the subdirectory: Lor, Sequences, which is normal. My question is: would it be possible for these SS effects to be integrated into the sequence (Amazing Grace) with the LOREDIT extension, which would avoid having a too large Sequences subdirectory. This is a question for Mr. Brian BRUDERER.
  Thanks again for answering me.

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