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Adding pixel props on successive DMX channels


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I built 3 props, each of which are on one long string consisting of 200 pixels total, nicely split as follows:

Prop 1: 100 pixels

Prop 2: 50 pixels

Prop 3: 50 pixels

I have them defined on the pixel controller as DMX universe 11, channel 1 through DMX universe 12, channel 90.   


My problem:  I can add the first prop by inserting a device in SE and setting it to DMX Universe 11 and specifying the number of pixels, but how can I go in and add prop #2, which starts at DMX Universe 11, channel 301 and ends at Universe 11, channel 451?  

Then, how can I add Prop #3, which starts at Universe 11, channel 452 and ends at Universe 12, channel 90? 


Thanks in advance!




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It's been a while since I used S4, but don't try to add devices - add props (I think that's actually channels in S4).

Sorry, can't give you are real details as I have forgotten too much of S4.


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Thanks Jim,


I tried both, but I couldn't find a way to mass-assign the universe/channel number to the channels.  

Might have to get with Support on this.   Argh.   Between this and power injection, I'm ready to scream.   :D


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Sorry, it's been too long since I ran S4 to be able to give details.  I know it is far easier in S5.



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I bought and tried S5 and quickly went BACK to S4.    It was a nightmare that I will have to tackle another day. 


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Once you learn the differences, S4 is far easier than S5, but the transition can be ugly.  Shortly after you tear down your 2021 show, THEN start working on converting to S5.


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6 hours ago, k6ccc said:

Once you learn the differences, S4 is far easier than S5, but the transition can be ugly.  Shortly after you tear down your 2021 show, THEN start working on converting to S5.


@k6ccc I think you meant S5 is easier than S4...Yes it was a learning curve but well worth it.

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14 minutes ago, hasslerk said:

@k6ccc I think you meant S5 is easier than S4...Yes it was a learning curve but well worth it.

Yes, I blew that statement.  S5 is easier than S4 after you learn it.

Not sure I can even blame my fat fingers for that one.  But it was first thing in the morning and I was not awake yet 😀


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17 hours ago, k6ccc said:

Yes, I blew that statement.  S5 is easier than S4 after you learn it.

Not sure I can even blame my fat fingers for that one.  But it was first thing in the morning and I was not awake yet 😀


S'ok, Jim - we hams have to wire things backwards once in a while, amirite?   :D

Basically I think I have this "solved" - I simply added the DMX universes as devices and grouped the props.  Of course, one prop is split across two groups, which is less than ideal, but for now it will suffice. 

I'm just happy the damned things are up and running.    For the record, I HATE POWER INJECTION.   :D


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55 minutes ago, jtomason said:

S'ok, Jim - we hams have to wire things backwards once in a while, amirite?   :D

Basically I think I have this "solved" - I simply added the DMX universes as devices and grouped the props.  Of course, one prop is split across two groups, which is less than ideal, but for now it will suffice. 

I'm just happy the damned things are up and running.    For the record, I HATE POWER INJECTION.   :D


Not a Ham, but I grew up with one (K7SFX AK,W2RQI NJ, Wa6BQP CA) , tended generators at Field day

Why is Power inject so ...  ? Get a fuse block/inline. Use the same PSU that feeds the bank (Pixie8,16 might split banks between 2 PSU to keep within capacity)

IMHO using different PSU for Power inject adds complications (and could result in blown fuses if the do not power up in sync

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1 hour ago, jtomason said:

S'ok, Jim - we hams have to wire things backwards once in a while, amirite?   :D


4 minutes ago, TheDucks said:

For the record, I HATE POWER INJECTION. 

I use it when I need to.  Generally I don't have strings long enough to require it, but I have a few.


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