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Pixielink help, suggestions, feature request?


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Not sure if this forum is the best choice (and possibly a new one for the Pixielink is warranted), but I've recently acquired a Pixielink primarily for two reasons: e1.31 will be a big part of my future and I have a fair investment in LOR hardware.

For the most part, it is working really well, and (IMO) it keeps LOR in the game for me (some number of Pixie's distributed throughout the display will be more cost effective than the same number of e1.31 devices, and will occupy fewer actual ethernet ports).  I had inadvertently discovered one limitation: it doesn't work out-of-the-box with older LOR AC controllers (Pixielink supports ELOR protocols and not the "older" protocol, so my 3 older non-G3 devices won't talk to it).  This wasn't a big showstopper this year as it wasn't that hard to run the 3 devices I have that won't work off the RS485 adapter I've been using for years.  However, this won't be desirable for me in the long term, and I'm looking for thoughts, help, suggestions, etc.; or even make a feature request(s) (AC control will continue to be part of my need for quite a while, so removing/replacing the older devices is not that desirable either).

While it appears that the Pixielink is directed at pixel controllers, the 'feature request' would be to add the regular LOR (non-enhanced) protocol to the Pixielink.  I understand that would likely limit the transmission to 115k, but driving older devices from a 100mb/1gb network is still more practical (and possibly drive more Pixielinks in my setup)

That being more of a marketing issue for LOR, are there other options (other than retain the older link)?  I haven't tried (but may after I take the display down), but will the CTB16 v6 boards run in DMX mode, and would using them straight through as DMX be a viable option?  Possibly (as another 'feature request') a firmware update that will allow the older boards to recognize ELOR (again, probably limited to 115k, but shouldn't be too bad).  Or maybe there is some other option on either end that I have missed that will allow this to work?

Thanks in advance!


EDIT: This isn't a hot topic, as I am fully functioning, but would be happy to run experiments during the daytime.

Edited by randyf
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Good idea.  It also makes it easier to use LOR controllers via a microwave link (currently easy for Ethernet).


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