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PixCon 16 not responding on 8 out of 16 ports

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IP Address set.  Network preferences are set.  I can run test mode on Configuration and all ports work correctly.  All universes are set in Sequence and in Pixel Port Setup with matching universes.  When i run a sequence, the first 8 ports do not respond to the sequence program.  The other 8 respond correctly.  I did noticed that the power lead had been pulled out from the terminal connection on the first 8 ports on the board.  I connected the wire back into the terminal and powered up the unit.  Still no response to the board from the sequence.  Any thoughts anyone?


What are the 2 LEDs doing?


Solid.  I can use the configuration test mode and they work perfectly.  Only when I run a sequence... 



Great. The HW is running

I suspect you sequence has channel/ID/Net errors

Someone who uses Pixcon with S4 will need to step up for further assistance


I thought I had a good answer until I took a look at the docs.  On most LOR controllers, the board power comes from the port 9-16 power inlet.  Figured 1-8 had no power.  Wrong.  The PixCon16 takes power from the 1-8 inlet.  So much for that idea...

Confirm that you are intending to use this via E1.31 using the Ethernet (not RS-485) connection.  Pretty sure you have that right based on your description, but you know about stupid questions....



Hey Jim.  Yes I'm using E1.31.  It really is confusing when I can get those ports to work with the configuration Test Mode.  But not with a sequence.  Hmmmm?  Lost 


Do you have Network Preferences set correctly?



Yes.  That what I thought originally.  The strange part is that all universes are set the same IP address.   The first set of universes are set the same as all the rest.  Only the first 8 ports of the board wont respond.  If there were an issue with the universes it seems that the latter part would be affected.  The universes are set to match what is set up in the prop definition.,  Strange !!!!!!


Do all pixels defined for the 16 channels/ports display correctly in the preview window when you run the sequence?

If so, it seems it's a board issue, otherwise it's a prop setup issue.



I have reset the IP on the board.  I have reset the prop and adapter addresses and assignments.  Still having the same issue.  Can the board actually operate with TEST MODE and have all the ports to work fine and then not when a sequence signal is being sent to it?   ONLY the first 8 ports not responding.  This one is for the books.  

Posted (edited)

I know it's hard to post pictures on a forum board that only allows 2K (exaggerated I know but I'm baffled why I have to find another location to help this place help me) in total for pictures but maybe another set of eyes on the configuration screens can help.

Post them if you can...I had a very similar issue with my Light Tunnel a few days ago where I could test them perfectly but a sequence would only use like 5 out of the 16 strands and it came down to the assignments of the board where wrong and it took me 2 hours to finally see it.


Edited by BluMan

Post screen captures of your Network Preferences, the Prop Editor screen for the Prop (or props) that use this Pixcon16 in Preview Editor, and the PixCon setup pages.  Remember that this forum only allows users to upload a total of 500K bytes so you need to upload the screen captures to some public website (Dropbox, Google Docs, a personal website, etc) and post the links.



When you indicate that it was the assignments on the board, are you referring to the Network Preference?  

I have two Boards in this particular display.  This is a 30 foot Pixle Tree.  I have another controller that operates the last 16 ports and it operates fine.  I have mimicked the same parameters of this one to the one in question.  Not sure why it is performing this way, because it worked last time.   

29 minutes ago, SantaLudy said:

When you indicate that it was the assignments on the board, are you referring to the Network Preference?  

I have two Boards in this particular display.  This is a 30 foot Pixle Tree.  I have another controller that operates the last 16 ports and it operates fine.  I have mimicked the same parameters of this one to the one in question.  Not sure why it is performing this way, because it worked last time.   

Network Preferences Maps the Adapter (cable)/ Universe to devices

Channel configuration (in 4.x Sequence Editor) shows channel assignments (Net-ID-Channel) in  a single place. This is also where you can do bulk (sequence)  reassignment changes (change the Net for a device, Change an ID for the device) These ONLY apply to that sequence  

eg My AC controller was on Regular when I started sequencing, but I needed to move it to NetB.  I fat fingered a channel rename and accidentally changed the Net (or ch number or ID)


Please do post the requested screen captures.  I can't tell you how many times many of us (including me) have looked as a config and not caught an obvious error.  Someone else looks and solved the problem in seconds.


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