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first glitches with the preview


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Hi guys, well revised, like every year, we are here to mess up our life with this beautiful hobby. This year I wanted to upgrade to S5, but as soon as I have imported the first sequence from S4, I immediately start having the first problems with the preview. I had already drawn the preview last year, so I imported it, assigned it to the sequence imported from S4, but in the preview window, when the sequence scrolls after sending it to replay, everything remains black, indeed , I don't even see the light design I did through the preview design, someone lend me a hand please, thanks in advance.

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The channels assigned to props in your preview must match the channels used in your S4 sequences.


After converting your sequence, do the channels in the sequence grid have an "@" sign in front of them? If they do, then they have been archived and will not control lights. More about archived props here:


If there are a lot of archived props/channels, modify the preview to better match your S4 sequence, then try upgrading the sequence again.


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50 minutes ago, MattBrown said:

If there are a lot of archived props/channels, modify the preview to better match your S4 sequence, then try upgrading the sequence again.

Or create a new preview that matches your S4 channel configuration.  After the sequence imports properly with that "S4 matching" preview, then assign a different preview that is your actual S5 intended channel layout.

I do something similar for singing face sequences from JR.  I have a preview that is called "Four faces" that matches the channel layout that JR uses.  After importing his sequence, I can change to another preview with my channel assignments or copy JR's sequencing and paste in my full sequence.


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