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Possible Bug in 5.6.6


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I have assisted quite a few people with what may be a bug in 5.6.6

It seems as though while attempting to import a sequence created in previous versions of S5 while copy pasting something is happening to ME rows causing the entire sequence to not work.

The ME row(s) will Play in the playback window and in the first attemp at selecting a specific motion affect will play on the selected light string.

However after testing that and attempting to play the entire sequence  the ME row will either freeze and or no lights in the entire show will play (physical props).

It still plays in the playback window.

The only work around I found was suggested by Phil Massey is to revert back to a previous version of S5.

In this case we reverted back to 5.6.0. We did not try any other version since this took care of the problem right away.

I assisted 3 members yesterday that experienced the same problem. 

The first one we went through a couple hours of troubleshooting and checking every thing imaginable.

I have sent a mesage to LOR engineers concerning the issue.

In the meantime if you experience this first ensure jumper on JP5 is removed from all pixie series controller. I know the directions say to install it. LOR is reviewing the problem this is causing.

JP2 should get a jumper if you plan on having devices connected to the pixel controller.

Check unit ID in HU

Check Pixel # in HU

Ensure your Logical Resolution is set to 50 (not any other number for most)

Ensure FW updates on controllers esp in S5 

Check NP to ensure the NWs are correct and any Pixiw controller has 500k “enhanced”. Not 1000k , as indicated in NP 1000k is reserved for the Pixcon16.

Once yoi verify all of that I suggest for the time being reverting to 5.6.0




Edited by dibblejr
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