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Can you move a pixel from one motion effect to another on a downloaded prop?


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I'm on S5 5.6.6 and I downloaded a prop in my design preview from a vendor I purchased the prop from. 

The prop is a tree and the prop design has 1 motion effect for the Outline, one for the ornaments and one for the garland.

It turns out that physically one of the ornaments has 6 pixels, but the prop design I imported shows only 5, so what this does is when I turn the outline on, one pixel lights on an ornament and when I turn on the ornaments, one pixel is missing.

I've currently just deleted pixel 113 from the map so it's not on at all, but what I'd really like to do is move pixel 113 from the Outline Motion Effect to the Ornament Motion Effect.

Is this something I can do, or do I have to get the vendor to recreate the prop design?





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you would have to edit the "Custom Motion Effect Row(s)" to remove that bulb from one and add to the other

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Where would you actually do that?

I had gone into the Add/Modify motion effect rows yesterday and I see that each section is named and it says custom, but I don't see how I can edit what is there.



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Click on the pencil to write or the eraser to erase, then you should be able to add or remove the lit pixels from the diagram by clicking on them.

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Thank you Phil! Once you pointed me in that direction again I knew I had to be looking at it wrong. I think it worked (I'm remoted into my PC and can't see the lights). Clicking on Show all made things more obvious, clicking on the eraser shut off the pixel, then switching to the other effect clicking on the pencil allowed me to turn it on.


Thanks again!

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  • The title was changed to Can you move a pixel from one motion effect to another on https://forums.lightorama.com/topic/54476-can-you-move-a-pixel-from-one-motion-effect-to-another-on-a-downloaded-prop/?do=getNewCommenta downloaded prop?
  • The title was changed to Can you move a pixel from one motion effect to another on a downloaded prop?

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