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Complicated Pixie2 strip issue


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I bought 2 of the Pixie2 boxes and the 4 strips that came with it a year ago.  When I purchased them, they were to go in opposite directions, meaning 50 to 1 instead of the default pixel 1 to pixel 50.  Two problems:  first, how do I add those channel back that were deleted?  And also, how do I change them back so instead of counting from 50 to 1 on the strip's controller end, they count the default way 1 to 50?  Thanks so much community :D

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Use the HU (Hardware Utility) Config (button) to set the Pixie Port to Reverse (Last to First direction). Pixel 1 is now at the far end.  You don't change your sequence.

1-50 c 1-50 (port2)= 51-100  Each port starts over with node numbering (C is the controller position)


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Keeping it simple it depends on which process you used to change it.

Open the Hardware Utility


Pixie/ccr config

Look at the Logical Resolution - if it is set at 100 change it back to 50


Now pixel 1 becomes the first pixel 

If it is set to 50 and you used the “reverse order” then just uncheck that box and Ensure LR is set at 50.


Edited by dibblejr
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Okay, I fixed that.  Last problem is my channels in my sequence got deleted somehow.  How do I add the RGB channels on a Pixie strip back into the Sequence?

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6 minutes ago, DLTSLC said:

Okay, I fixed that.  Last problem is my channels in my sequence got deleted somehow.  How do I add the RGB channels on a Pixie strip back into the Sequence?


Is the prop still in your preview?

If it is , is it in your grid view?

If it’s not in your preview you must rebuild the prop and assign the channels

If it’s in your preview and not in your prop you may simply need to “append” the prop.  Click on the three little boxes to the right of the “show all items” and select the prop from the list.

If it is in both simply right click on the prop and add the “channel level rows” I believe it is the last selection on the list.

It may be easier to just recreate the prop.


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Okay, I figured out that when I switched from a Pixie8 to a 16, I had to redo the preview and have it 'talk' to the Pixie and got all the port associations, names, etc all set correctly in the preview.  But now, I can't figure out how to add these to the channel list to add effects on the sequencer.

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12 hours ago, DLTSLC said:

Okay, I figured out that when I switched from a Pixie8 to a 16, I had to redo the preview and have it 'talk' to the Pixie and got all the port associations, names, etc all set correctly in the preview.  But now, I can't figure out how to add these to the channel list to add effects on the sequencer.

You can add ME rows and or channel level rows by right clicking on the channel/ port name and go down to the correct selection

if you can’t get it send me a pm with yoir cell and I will call.

Super easy.


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