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Show Creation using HUB


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When creating the Show using the HUB - for a N4-G3-MP3 Director - I select single director and 4 ports - I can not change the Net/Univ - just given option for Reg & Aux A Network (Dropdown Button Grayed out)

Is this normal ? I have no issue using Show on demand via PC... Thought I would test N4 Director...


Edited by Jimehc
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No, Just Reg & Aux A  - so should select just 2 ports then?  As for Christmas I will use all 4

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If you don't have all 4 configured in the sequence, then there is no way the Director is going to use all 4.

The HUB reads the sequences and see what ports it should enable from there.

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So it is normal... That the HUB assigns the Network to a Port on the Director - and you can not configure which Port to what Network then... As in the first screen shot Port 1 & 3 are assigned Reg Network and port 2 & 4 assigned Aux A.. But I can not switch say Port 3 to say Aux A (as it is grayed out)... So It seems as thought I must connect my Networks according to the Hubs Port Assignments ? I will Figure this more out come xmas - but would think we should be able to use the Dropdown to re-assign them..

Thank You for your reply, Don

PS. I know it is just a matter of swapping cables - so was just looking to clarify..

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1 minute ago, Jimehc said:

but would think we should be able to use the Dropdown to re-assign them..

They'd have to add in all of the error checking that's in the Preview section. Duplicate ID's, Channels, etc. I have no idea how coding works, but I'd suspect that add some overhead to the overall code.

If you've done your planning and configuration correctly in the Preview, then there wouldn't be a need to correct them later.

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