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Adding on to existing show.


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I have a 16 channel controller from last year. I’m adding another controller and a pixel tree that I ordered at the grab bag sale. I have on the first controller house lights and some yard stuff including one arch (which is using 8 plugs). What I would like to do is add the existing arch to the second controller and add a new arch to the same controller for leaping effects. Of course this is screwing up the old setup. My question is how do I move stuff around in the sequencing so I can add stuff in place of the first arch now that I will have the second controller which will be used up by the leaping arches (16 channels)? I’m sure there is a video on how to do this but I can’t seem to find it. Thanks, Biff

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If you are just trying to arrange the props (left side) in SE then just drag the prop name where you prefer it. Just make sure you set the unit ID correctly in the "preview" for the props to play correctly. SE does not care how its arranged as long as you set the correct Unit ID and correct outputs/ports in the preview.

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We've all added controllers and changed things to our displays/shows. Just decide what channels will be what on your props, then in the preview display, select them and change their unit id's and channel assignments. Make sure you change where they were previously assigned too. You can also copy and paste row/rows as you might wish to the new locations but doing so, make sure you've first made a copy of your original and either work on that copy or stash away the copy to make sure you don't trash something you can't get back too. The old saying here is "Backup, Backup Backup"!!!

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On 9/6/2021 at 3:30 PM, PhilMassey said:

If you are on 5.5.12, I highly recommend doing the update to 5.6.4. There were many fixes and features added with the release of 5.6.0. Your license should be good for it if you just upgraded to Pro. I have been on 5.6 for some time and it is very stable.

The download page is here:


Check your license here:



6 hours ago, TheSignGuy said:

If you are just trying to arrange the props (left side) in SE then just drag the prop name where you prefer it. Just make sure you set the unit ID correctly in the "preview" for the props to play correctly. SE does not care how its arranged as long as you set the correct Unit ID and correct outputs/ports in the preview.

Ok… I’ll give it a try… thanks😁

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some suggestions on the process I use for these changes (sure someone will note some optimizations but it works for me)

Before changing a preview (2021 preview), using the preview pull out on the right hand side, select it and then click on Copy Preview to make a copy (2021 preview - copy)

Change existing channels and add props to your existing preview and save it. 

When you open a sequence it will advise you that your preview has changed and confirm you want to add items to this sequence.  

At this point, the channel changes are automatic but new props won't automatically add to existing grid view(s) you have created (except when viewing all items).

Similarly to copying the preview, you can select "save view as" from the view menu and create a new view from your existing one (should you want to go back to it)
To add new props and groups to this view, you have 2 choices
- select "append items to view" in the view menu at the top in which case they are added at the bottom of the grid
- select where you want them to appear in the grid and then select "insert preview props or groups" either above or below that spot

When you get it how you like it, select Grid configuration / Export from the view menu and export your current grid settings,

Once happy with everything save this sequence (or better yet Save as to make a copy of it so you can open the old sequence for reference.  

Now open you next sequence, repeat accepting the preview change but rather than add the changes to the grid, just select Grid Configuration / Import and select the one you exported above 

Advanced topic You may also find that you motion effects rows don't show up for new props you add this way.  You can make them appear by selecting Add/Modify motion effect rows and then on the Merge Defaults icon. 
Another hint: I create a new group at the top of the grid called "new items" and I also put new stuff in there too.   That way, if ever in doubt of what changes are in this version, i can see them all together quickly. 

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