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16x25 Tree Questions


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Yup, I'm a newbie, sorry for dumb questions.

Had a great display for Christmas last year using the STC-Starter Package. Popped the Showtime Card I bought into the miniDirector, away it went and it was great. Wanted to upgrade and bought the Tree. 

I set up my tree, plugged it's controller into my existing controller, ran the show like before, but nothing happens on the tree. All my purchased sequences show a tree in the demo/preview. I even downloaded the free tree only sequence and nothing happens. 

Im at my wits end here.. Do I need to have the PRO license to have the tree work for LOR bought sequences?

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Here's the configuration guide for the tree. If you've done everything in the document and it's still not working, that will help narrow down the problem.

https://www1.lightorama.com/PDF/Pixel Tree Configuration.pdf

Also yes, to run the tree from the computer, you DO need the Pro license. Specifically 5.5.2 Pro or higher according to the sequence store: https://sequences.lightorama.com/MotionPaks_ep_55.html

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I can confirm i have gone over that document several times. In the last step, I can select 500k for the speed, but everything else is greyed out. I cannot change the Network to LOR/ELOR as suggested. Is that a PRO function?

I am not running the show from a dedicated computer, but rather the miniDirector. I have the tree's pixie8 connected to my only other controller, and that controller connected to the miniDirector. I noticed this setup was not part of any of the "typical setup" installation pictures in the support section. I cant seem to find the "typical setup" page again.. but the one that looked the closest to mine and a separate pixie controller in-between the tree and miniDirector.


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Alright, so no matter how you want to use an LOR tree, you have to have a pro license. Ill upgrade, again, and go from there! Thanks for all the help!


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1 hour ago, JARDS said:

Alright, so no matter how you want to use an LOR tree, you have to have a pro license. Ill upgrade, again, and go from there! Thanks for all the help!


Yes, Pro for the pixie series controller trees since Pro is required for ELOR.

Once you get Pro the “enhanced” can be selected in both the HUB and NP.

BTW- as enticing as it may seem, DO NOT select 1000k (it also says reserved for Pixcon16). If you do your controller will not play as expected if at all.


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