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Not all pixels in light string lighting up


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I made a window frame that has 86 pixels on the frame.  The pixels are smart pixels and I setup the prop as smart pixels and verified that I have the correct number of pixels and channels.  I have 2- 50 pixel strings hooked together.  I also used the hardware utility to test the window frame and all the pixels light up and have the correct RGB order.   In the utility, I selected to have all the LED's come on at once and it worked.  Then I selected to have them chase each other and they all lit up chasing each other.  In the grid view, I right clicked the prop and selected add channel level from pixel prop.  I sequenced the window frame using the channel level and not using the motion effects.  I primarily did this since it is my first time sequencing Smart RGB's and I wasn't doing any motion effects, so I wanted to see the colors I was selecting in my sequence. There are 86 channels in the drop down and they are all programmed to come on, yet only the first 66 pixels turn on.  I assume it must be in how i have something setup or sequenced, since all the LED's light up in the hardware utility.

Any help would would greatly be appreciated.

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In my previewer, yes all the pixels light up.  When I turn the lights control on and play the sequence or enable a show, it does not light up all the pixels.  Only 66 of them.  I do have to other window frames and the smaller one is 66 pixels so that one lights up all the pixels. 

How i setup my pixie4:  Turned all dip switches off so I can use the Hardware utility to set the unit ID.  I set the unit ID to 04, max # of pixels per port 105, max unit Id 10.  (see images) My middle window is plugged into port #3 of the pixie controller.   (See attached image on how I have the prop setup)




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Verify that you do not have any Controller ID, Port or Channels Conflicts (Yellow Triangle) Warnings in your Preview

Edited by Jimehc
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42 minutes ago, Grady29 said:

Thank you. That seems to fix the issue.

Glad I was able to help you based on experience helping others that have had the same problem.

Its a pretty common question I get asked.

Happy Lighting 


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  • 2 months later...

I am having the same issue. I did he firmware upgrade to 1.07 and it didn't fix it for me.


Any ideas?

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8 hours ago, LightsOnTheVale said:

I am having the same issue. I did he firmware upgrade to 1.07 and it didn't fix it for me.


Any ideas?

What are your settings in HU? Ensure only 50 Logical Resolution

What are the number of pixels set per port?

What is the Network speed?

What other controllers are in line with this controller?

Lots of questions but thats a start


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8 hours ago, dibblejr said:

What are your settings in HU? Ensure only 50 Logical Resolution

What are the number of pixels set per port?

What is the Network speed?

What other controllers are in line with this controller?

Lots of questions but thats a start


LOR Software 5.6.6 - Pro version
Pixie16 controller updated to 1.07 firmware
Pixie 2 v1.04
Pixie 8 - LOR Pixel Tree v1.06
2 X 16 channel AC directors G3-V 1.09 (all channels work fine and IDs are set separate from RGB)
Network set to enhanced

Problem Description - When in HU mode I can light up all lights and strings at 100%. Some channels have 150 lights and are set properly in the preview and work in the preview. There are no conflicts and everything works and displays as expected. When running the lights from the sequencer, however, not all the channels or stings come on. This is not dependent on if there are 150 pixels in a string. Garage String 1 and 2 in the preview both have 150 lights and still work. Items that don't work include items like the upper roof string and window 3.

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How many NETWORKS?  (and color of Adapters)

Please list Each boards ID as set. (so many users forger to count by HEXADECIMAL. Extra eyeballs never hurts)

Then list the network chains (by ID). We are looking for data density issues and devices that might have issues keeping up

Your Pixie2 FW is 3 revs down  (the latest ARE required if you use a PixLink)

Other than the Pixie16, all are down rev at least 1 release. ( there is no 1.10 for the AC)

Firmware updating should wait until your Network info has been reviewed.

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What are all of the unit IDs "as assigned". My guess is the common mistake of not knowing about hexadecimal numbering while creating props and unit assignments. Very, very typical mistake.


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