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Hello all,

I am not completely new to LOR-I have a small system of only 48 channels and been fooling around with the light shows for a few years now, as time permits.   I have been using traditional lights since the beginning and I decided to add some dumb RGB  lights to my display this year.   I recently upgraded to the latest LOR and I am trying to navigate the software and ran into some problems with the preview design aspect of the software.  I have questions for the RGB lights as well, but to keep things separate and less confusing, I will ask those questions in a separate post.  

I have taken a picture of my house for a backdrop and uploaded it to the previewer.  When I add lights to the display, (ie gutter lights, large arch that someone can walk under), regardless what I choose for a shape, when it is overlayed on my backdrop and I place it on the backdrop, it is quite large.  Is there a way to make the shapes that are overlayed on the backdrop smaller so it doesn't take such a large area of the picture?  I hope this makes sense.  I am not sure if it has to do with that I had to take the picture from far away to get the whole width of the property, which makes the house somewhat small.

I uploaded a picture for reference.  Please ignore all the stars in the middle of the screen as I was just starting to mess with the preview design.  You will see the gutter lights on the house and the purple arch by the front door.  They both are fairly large and take up a lot of room, not leaving room for all the displays I have to put in the design.  Once I better understand the preview design phase of this, I will take a new picture in the evening and without any cars in the picture.

Any help would greatly appreciated.



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Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're doing, just click on the prop after it appears and resize it. A standard looking "border" will appear around the prop where you can grab corners to resize or rotate the prop.

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Also, choose your base picture before you start doing the preview - the props won't automatically map to wherever the new gutter line is in the second picture - you'll have to manually adjust every prop. You can also just darken your picture with the slider bar that has the sun.

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I did resize the prop as you suggested, but the thickness of the prop is wide.  For instance, if you look at the purple arch, I sized it down to about the proportional size to the backdrop, but the thickness of the arch is very thick.  Any suggestions of where I can possibly see some previews and get an idea of what they would look like from someone who has a lot more experience?


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Try changing the bulb size (lower left corner of the editor.) There are links to tutorials in my signature as well!

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AWESOME!  Thank you!  That is exactly what I was looking for!  I will check out the tutorials as I have additional questions that might get answered in the tutorials.

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I would also suggest that the props in your design don't need to look perfect, so I wouldn't obsess about it. As long as they are set up properly to the physical prop, if it's too big or small or our of proportion in the design preview, I think it doesn't really matter. You're just trying to see that the sequence is doing what you want it to do. Once you get running on your outside physical props. it should be fine.


Good luck! 

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18 minutes ago, tlogan said:

I would also suggest that the props in your design don't need to look perfect, so I wouldn't obsess about it.

I completely agree completely with that.  I have a odd shaped yard, and I have never had my profile layout match reality.  In many cases, having props arranged left / right or up / down just worked out better than having things at odd angles.



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Thanks everyone for responding.  I agree that having a 'perfect' layout on screen is not that important. I just wanted to have room to layout all my props on screen to get an idea of how it will look once done.

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