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viewing collapsed motion effect rows


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During the zoom session the other day, we discussed the value of using many motion effect rows.   And I use this feature quite a bit.   But one thing I don't see a good solution for is when you have several rows and you collapse them, there is nothing that shows up on the grid. 

I included a short video that demonstrates what I mean.   A video is worth a 10000 words or such... 

Anyway, looking for suggestions if anyone has come up with a better way.    


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Thanks for the video explaining your ideas!

When a prop's motion rows are collapsed and only the first row is visible, it is following the exact same logic used for regular channels in the Sequencer. Showing some sort of composite for the hidden rows would be a major effort and potentially have a negative effect on Sequencer performance.

There is merit in what you are suggesting, but it is not something we could implement quickly.


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Thanks for getting back Matt. For traditional lights, I "can" show them both in a group and separate but for motion effects, they are always in group.  The only option I found was to expand and collapse all so i can see them but that takes up a lot of screen space.  Just wondered if anyone else had any ideas.     

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I know what You are talking about. I use a total of 16 motion effect rows for my 50 x32 Matrix. I created 5 effects rows and 11 animation rows for using Papagayo to make animated faces in the matrix. I expand all the rows while I'm editing these animated faces and once the animation is complete I contract the rows . This is my work around. in addition all my singing elements including the Matrix that I use in my display are on a separate preview.  so I use 2 previews for my Halloween sequencing and I use 3 previews for my Christmas sequencing. I found using multiple previews can eliminate clutter in the sequence editor.  That's what do. 

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or you can add a "New View" and just include that certain prop or group = 1 Preview with different Sequencer views

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7 minutes ago, Jimehc said:

or you can add a "New View" and just include that certain prop or group = 1 Preview with different Sequencer views

That works for props but not for motion effect rows under a prop because you can only assign the prop itself to a view -  A view with just a few props so you could see them all when you did expand all might be a quick workaround. 

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I have all my motion rows in one group for easy access 

Add the props to a group, add your motion effects as needed. Then hide the prop and members, voila, just motion rows. 

Save the grid view by exporting it for later import into other sequences.

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Maybe I misunderstood your response, but the original issue is that when you collapse a prop with motion effect rows, the row left behind does not have any indication that there are any effects,   I can expand them to see them but looking for some way to know they are there without that.   But maybe you do have a solution I don't follow.  Could you share a screen shot or video like I did?  

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7 hours ago, Jimehc said:

or you can add a "New View" and just include that certain prop or group = 1 Preview with different Sequencer views

They will still collapse leaving either the Named Row or the first RGB row


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3 hours ago, TexasLights said:

Maybe I misunderstood your response, but the original issue is that when you collapse a prop with motion effect rows, the row left behind does not have any indication that there are any effects,   I can expand them to see them but looking for some way to know they are there without that.   But maybe you do have a solution I don't follow.  Could you share a screen shot or video like I did?  

As Matt stated, at this time this is not nor has it been an option in any of the software versions.

It will take an engineering painstaking headache to solve the issue.

Most of us have our waY of dealing with it. 

I believe what my friend Phil is saying is just a quicker way of separating the props and ME rows into groups within a grid view.

You can always leave them expanded but you would still have a couple clicks to open.

Phil is an expert at this and basically fixed my entire grid view last year when I lost everything with an older version of S5

His system works but I still close and expand when sequencing.


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Sorry guys if I am mis-understanding the Issue...

1) Box of Rails stated he was using 2-3 different Previews for one sequence - so rather then 2-3 Previews > use different Grid Views

2) I assume TexasLights wants an indicator row with the Group is collapsed - the first row in the group has to be populated - to show that indicator row when collapsed...

3) You can remove any unused "Motion Effect Rows" in your sequence - by right clicking - delete (this only effects the sequence, not the Prop Definition)

4) So if one was to remove the upper unused Motion effect rows - the indicator row would be shown...

5) to add back in any default (Prop Definition) motion effect rows that you deleted from sequence - double click any Motion Effect Row and "Merge Defaults"

So, in summery if you delete (or Resort) the unused upper motion effect rows to the point of your first used motion effect row - you  will see the indicator row when the group is collapsed

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My point is that by using custom grid views, perhaps many of them, you can organize your rows of prop channels and motion rows so you don't have to hide stuff as much. Just leave stuff open in the view and move to a different view instead of scrolling around in long lists.

The reason I find it helpful to have all my Motion Rows in one view with no channels is to remove the necessity to open groups to find them. They are always there and you can see at a glance if they are populated. it also makes copy and pasting effects from one to another quick and easy.

One addition to what Jim said.

Any time you try to delete a motion row you will get a warning if that row has content.


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While this doesn't solve the issue in question, there is one more option when managing a large number of motion effect rows: you can create a "grid view group" of a subset of motion rows, just like you can with channels. So if you have motion rows for singing faces and motion rows for general purpose on the same prop, you can put each set in a grid view group and only expand the one you are working on at the time.

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