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Superstar sequencer


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Ok I’m not an IT person but I’m no dummy to computers. But LOR software is not conducive! I have S5 Pro and trying to add to my sequences LOR RGB 6’6 tree. When I select the area I want then right click insert SS effect it only loads 8 seconds. I cannot find any good videos on YouTube for creating a rgb sequence. For the love of God please help before I smash everything or sell it!


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Superstar shows 8 seconds across the top.

It loads, however, everything that you put in it. Look next to the Play button and you will see a > and >>. Use those to move along the timeline.

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Ok thanks. So I want to add an effect for the first 34 seconds. Does this mean I have to hit the > until 34 seconds appears?

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You'd set the time of the effect when you are building the effect. The part of the timeline that's showing at top ultimately has no bearing on where the effect it. It's what you define it as in the various windows at used when creating the effect.

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Just in case, I’m simple terms.

I’m interpreting this 2 ways.

1- you want to add a SS effect using SS by “insert  SS effect”

2- you want to just create an effect similar to what we can do in SS using “Insert Motion Effect”

If you have an existing SUP file you can “insert SS effect”. If you want to add that effect into a specific time just use your mouse and drag it in the ME row and it will encapsulate the time frame in which you choose.

Next right click and select “Insert SS effect”. A new window will open in SS where you will Need to import the SUP file and select the effect rom that sequence.

Next exit SS and a box will appear “do you want to save”. Select yes and it will add in yoir sequence at the time selected.

If you want to create a ME that looks like a SS effect but not using SS

Use the same few steps above but select “insert motion effect”.

It will open another box with 3 screens at the top. Left, combined , Right.

From there you use the drop downs and various settings within the different effects. You can have multiple effects using left and right and blend them using the scroll bar in the center screen.

Select save and yoir effects will be added.


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Ok I’m in superstar.  It when i click add it does nothing but show a red tree when I press play to see the effect?


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12 minutes ago, hopz28 said:

Ok I’m in superstar.  It when i click add it does nothing but show a red tree when I press play to see the effect?


Are you trying to add a SS effect from an Sup file?

Explain what you are trying to do. 

Are you going in on SS from the ME row or outside of S5?

What tool are you trying to use from the drop down?


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https://www.bing.com/videos/search?view=detail&mid=0AE13CF5AE2D6725CA1F0AE13CF5AE2D6725CA1F&q=cvs adding superstar effects&shtp=GetUrl&shid=e09e563a-79f1-40a2-bc7e-db3593c2f889&shtk=TGlnaHQtTy1SYW1hIEluc2VydGluZyBhIFN1cGVyU3RhciBFZmZlY3QgaW50byBTaG93VGltZSA1IFNlcXVlbmNlci4%3D&shdk=QSBxdWljayB2aWRlbyBzaG93aW5nIGhvdyBlYXN5IGl0IGlzIHRvIEluc2VydCBhIFN1cGVyU3RhciBlZmZlY3QgaW50byBhIFNob3dUaW1lIDUgU2VxdWVuY2UuIFNlZSBtb3JlIGF0IGh0dHA6Ly93d3cubGlnaHRvcmFtYS5jb20%3D&shhk=gZGJcC2QdJIEpQwfZLg%2FJHlxsUJh5l%2BcTqzVLHOfgHk%3D&form=VDSHOT&shth=OVP.J455W5tOrpBhg5S03WKHqAEsDh

https://www.bing.com/videos/search?view=detail&mid=3F777E67A934E4E8DCC43F777E67A934E4E8DCC4&q=cvs adding superstar effects&shtp=GetUrl&shid=e09e563a-79f1-40a2-bc7e-db3593c2f889&shtk=TE9SLVN1cGVyU3RhciBDcmVhdGluZyBhbiBJbnN0YW50IFNlcXVlbmNl&shdk=VGhlIExpZ2h0LU8tUmFtYSBTdXBlclN0YXIgYWRkLW9uIGZvciBvdXIgU2VxdWVuY2UgRWRpdG9yIGlzIHZlcnkgcG93ZXJmdWwgYnV0IGV2ZXJ5IG5vdyBhbmQgdGhlbiBhIGJpdCBvZiBoZWxwIGZyb20gYW4gZXhwZXJ0IGlzIGV4YWN0bHkgd2hhdCB5b3UgbmVlZC4gVGhpcyB2aWRlbyBzaG93cyB5b3UgaG93IHRvIGNyZWF0ZSBhbiBpbnN0YW50IHNlcXVlbmNlIGFuZCBsZXQgdGhlIGNvbXB1dGVyIGRvIGFsbCB0aGUgaGFyZCB3b3JrLiBTZWUgbW9yZSBpbmZvcm1hdGlvbiBhdCB3d3cuTGlnaHRPUmFtYS5jb20%3D&shhk=eOsdXnLe82005p97NhApxO%2FjlgzEK7eBWCIsp1e3GgM%3D&form=VDSHOT&shth=OVP.UUN4NG5ilwVJQZnN24w1AwHgFo

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In S5 (pro) sequencer, I highlight a section (for my 6’6 LOR RGB tree) right click select insert from Superstar. SS populates I click motion effect select spiral, # of colors, and add. Then select play and nothing. Music plays but the tree does nothing. I do get a virus protection warning. I don’t know if that is preventing anything.

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1 minute ago, hopz28 said:

In S5 (pro) sequencer, I highlight a section (for my 6’6 LOR RGB tree) right click select insert from Superstar. SS populates I click motion effect select spiral, # of colors, and add. Then select play and nothing. Music plays but the tree does nothing. I do get a virus protection warning. I don’t know if that is preventing anything.

Some have no problem with anti virus software. I have never been so lucky. You may want to disable the anti virus software just to see what happens.


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4 minutes ago, hopz28 said:

right click select insert from Superstar. SS populates

There are a LOT of steps missing here. You don't mention anything about creating the effect inside of Superstar.

1 minute ago, dibblejr said:

I click motion effect select spiral

Then this part would overwrite the work you just did inside of Superstar.

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1 minute ago, hopz28 said:

In S5 (pro) sequencer, I highlight a section (for my 6’6 LOR RGB tree) right click select insert from Superstar. SS populates I click motion effect select spiral, # of colors, and add.

Your statement does not make sense.  Motion Effects > Spiral does not make sense for SuperStar.  What steps are you doing?

If you want, I am happy to get on the phone or a TeamViewer session with you.

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5 minutes ago, Don said:

There are a LOT of steps missing here. You don't mention anything about creating the effect inside of Superstar.

Then this part would overwrite the work you just did inside of Superstar.

I’m not sure where I said that, LOL but yes it would clear out any effects. Wouldn’t there also be a warning mesage to that?

Its been a min, seems as if I have seen a mesage if I try to overwrite a sequence.


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highlight the Effect you just Added - then hit Play... just close SS to insert effect in sequence..

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Sorry for the confusion. First time with rgb’s. I created my ac channel stuff back in 2010 and never added any new stuff. So I am a littles rusty. I was able to create effects like shockwave, spiral and fan when I only opened superstar. I get the “this is not what SS was intended to be used” message. But when I open sequencer. Select timing grid, right click in selected timing grid, select insert using SS. SS populates and select the first few seconds then the motion effect icon. Select spiral, add my colors, add, then play. I it sounds like I might be missing something. But the LOR video I watched is 9 years old. I might have to schedule something later for a phone call. Just text me your number and I  will text you back a time. My number is 301-752-5889

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Smooth effect 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Sorry I’m a dumdum 😂 

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Your profile states you are using version 4.2.10, but it sounds like you are using S5.  Can you please advise what version you are using and update your profile.  The answers are VERY different between S4 and S5.


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2 minutes ago, hopz28 said:

Sorry for the confusion. First time with rgb’s. I created my ac channel stuff back in 2010 and never added any new stuff. So I am a littles rusty. I was able to create effects like shockwave, spiral and fan when I only opened superstar. I get the “this is not what SS was intended to be used” message. But when I open sequencer. Select timing grid, right click in selected timing grid, select insert using SS. SS populates and select the first few seconds then the motion effect icon. Select spiral, add my colors, add, then play. I it sounds like I might be missing something. But the LOR video I watched is 9 years old. I might have to schedule something later for a phone call. Just text me your number and I  will text you back a time. My number is 301-752-5889

As Don referred to, if you are trying to add a SS effect from SS and then you go back to try to add an effect from "insert ME" it will overwrite the SS effect. If you are adding that type of effect it would be much easier just using the "insert ME" and use the different pre built effects, instead of SS. Much easier.


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