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Play 3 Animations concurrently


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I have three props that have been all lumped together in a single sequence that have been playing in the background tab for some years now.  Mostly signage.  I want to separate the three into individual sequences, and move them to the animation tab and play concurrently so I can shut 2 off during the shutdown phase.  Would this be taxing for an older not the best in the world speed wise computer to be running essentially 4 different sequences at the same time during a show?  Controllers are packed away so I can't test out the question myself, hoping someone knows the answer.

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Since the total number of channels isn't changing, I don't think there would be a performance impact.

You will need to ensure that there is no channel overlap (conflicts) between the 3 sequences. If they are S5 sequences, this means each sequence needs its own preview.


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Not trying to beat a dead horse here, Matt, and I know it is on your list, but this sort of thing is exactly what one could test in the S4 Visualizer.

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2 hours ago, MattBrown said:

Since the total number of channels isn't changing, I don't think there would be a performance impact.

You will need to ensure that there is no channel overlap (conflicts) between the 3 sequences. If they are S5 sequences, this means each sequence needs its own preview.


Thanks Matt! 

I have already made a preview for each, AND made sure the prop channels were in no other preview that would be used!

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