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How do I make the Picture Effect go 360° around?


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I have a 360° pixel tree and a small (13x16 pixel) PNG file that I want to rotate around the tree.

I tried the "Picture" motion effect, with "Movement" set to "right", but that makes the picture get cropped at the start and end of the rotation. How do I make it continuously rotate around while always showing the entire picture?

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6 hours ago, Steven said:

I have a 360° pixel tree and a small (13x16 pixel) PNG file that I want to rotate around the tree.

I tried the "Picture" motion effect, with "Movement" set to "right", but that makes the picture get cropped at the start and end of the rotation. How do I make it continuously rotate around while always showing the entire picture?

PNGs are non animated. I’m thinking you may have to create this either with SS or find an animated gif of the same.

There is software where you can create a gif from images.

I am Assuming you have the physical tree to test with since we do nothing have the ability to view a 360 tree in the preview.

You may he able to create a scrolling effect with the picture at the end.


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I can tell you how to do that in SuperStar, but I gathered you were trying to do it in Motion Effects.  Process may be similar.  Each rotation is a separate effect that starts and ends off of the tree.  Time each effect start so that the joint between "ends" of the tree line up.


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basically you are creating a matrix that is in a pyramid shape . this can be done quite easily in S5. I assume that you already have the Tree prop created. So now you need to create a Motion effect row that is Custom in that prop definition. you will need to highlight only the pixels you want to use as the matrix to display the picture. Save this and then go into the SE and then go to the effects row you just created for the matrix. add a picture effect to that row and apply all the necessary adjustments on the effect to work as you want. save and test. This is kind of non detailed explanation because I am short on time sorry. I can get more detailed later.


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I see what you want to do, the picture motion effect moves the picture so it always has an edge.  You can adjust the width to make it wider to make it wrap longer.  What I do is add a second effect row with a color wash of a similar color so it makes it look more natural.    Animated gigs work too since they move  on their own and wmv files is another.   


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Here is a couple quick videos I just now made with some specifics on using Motion effects to get what you are looking for.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eVHeT0jBmw

and this one has information on how to make a picture run continuous on a mega tree or matrix. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9EvImlFWwY

I did these quick with my cell phone so It's not the best video but the content is what is important. 

Edited by Box on Rails
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44 minutes ago, Steven said:

That was the answer I was looking for. Thank you very much!

pretty good, i figured there had to be a way, motion effects do so much but you have to find that right combination.. 

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