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Light O Rama Zoom Room


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A few of us have been discussing the ideas of having a community led zoom room for Light-O-Rama related discussion and tech support questions, and we'd like to know if there's enough interested to make these sessions actual planned events. We've already had someone volunteer their zoom room if there is. 

These zoom room tech support sessions would be open on the first Tuesday of the month during January-September from 8:00pom to 9:00pm Eastern (except for the first session, which we hope to have on June 8,2021). During October, November, and December, the zoom room would be open every Tuesday evening form 8:00-9:00pm Eastern, or longer if people just want to stay and talk.

Since this would be a community led zoom room, we think the community should vote on the name of the group. If you have a suggestions for a name, pleas add it into the comments by 11:59pm Eastern on Sunday, May 30. If you like something that someone else has suggested, "Like" or "React" to the group name. On Monday, May 31, we'll post an official poll with the top 5 suggestions combined from both the Facebook group and the Official forums. Only serious/appropriate names will be added to the final poll - no "light mclight face" suggestions please. 

Our goal is for this to be a positive avenue for the Light-O-Rama community to get additional support, especially during the busy season. Thank you in advance for your help and suggestions!

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You know me, I will always go for a CLAP meeting.

Hi, my name is Mr. P and I have the CLAP.

Edited by Mr. P
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I think it's a great idea, and very willing to participate.  But bad timing.  Doing it that early means that for the most part, only retirees in the Pacific time zone could attend - many of us will be leaving work about that time.


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1 hour ago, k6ccc said:

Doing it that early means that for the most part, only retirees in the Pacific time zone could attend - many of us will be leaving work about that time.

Fair point, but the other side of that is 9pm -10pm eastern is pretty late. If it appears that it's mostly Pacific time people wanting to be on the call though, shifting the call time is definitely open for discussion.

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From an availability, the weekend is likely the best, but how often do people want to give up weekend time in order to host a Zoom room?  No matter when you do it, someone loses...

Hey, it could be worse.  We in the continental US only have three time zones to deal with.  Add Alaska, Hawaii, and Atlantic Canada and you have a few more.  There are some places on earth that have to deal with quite a few more than that....


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31 minutes ago, Vince4xmas said:

Awesome idea. I'm in.


Be happy to see you there. 

A lot of plans as this gets rolling.


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I think that is a cool idea.

As far as the name goes. LOR ZOOM ROOM, is simple, legible, and to the point. 


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Room Name Recommendations - lets keep them coming.

I only put "LOR Zoom Room" because I am required to have a subject line.



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“Lightster Ensemble” 


“Lightster Assembly” 

I like the first one! That way we can hear everyone mispronounce it 🤣

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  • 4 weeks later...
40 minutes ago, Jaynee said:

I would definitely be interested in participating!

Hope to see you there. 6 July is the next one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tomorrow night is the Zoom Room, everyone is welcome to attend and ask whatever questions you may have.


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Link please?

Also, does the room have a dial in capability?  II will be driving home from work, so video is not an option...


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