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Connecting a Pixie16 into my 4 controller AC display


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Starting to see if I can get my network running.  I am working on adding a Pixie 16 to my 4 controller AC display.  I have the Red adapter connected to the computer and the Pixie16.  The sequence I am testing runs perfectly on the pixel prop & the preview. 

I have two ELL's plugged in.  One in the Pixie16 port and one in an AC controller port.  When I run the HU, it finds only the Pixie 16.  Is this the way to connect the Pixie into the display?  Or do I have to hardwire the AC units and daisy chain them?  I would prefer to use the ELL's on the AC units for convenience.

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ELL's and Pixies CAN NOT be on the same network You need a second network.

Pixies Need the high  speeds that the RED can do, but ELL can not do over 57K.

If you AC's are Gen 3, they CAN be on either, otherwise AC must be on the Slow 57/115K, network

The devices determine the fastest speeds  you can operate at.  The RED can do slow, but the Black can not do above 115k

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ok thanks.  How do I go about getting the second network for the AC units?  I still have the black adapter as well.  I guess my question is how do I physically connect them.  Do I have to use two USB ports on the computer?  I have never explored two networks before.  Any guidance would be appreciated.

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2 hours ago, Donl1150 said:

ok thanks.  How do I go about getting the second network for the AC units?  I still have the black adapter as well.  I guess my question is how do I physically connect them.  Do I have to use two USB ports on the computer?  I have never explored two networks before.  Any guidance would be appreciated.

Exactly. 2 USB ports  (Or a Powered external USB HUB).


Scroll down to Using controller boards. That is you (without the ELL on the Black See earlier for setups with ELL on the Black)

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Thanks.  So I do have both the red and black adapters (booster style) and now I know I need to use both.  The problem with the link is it gives you no guidance on the steps needed to make the system run.  i.e, what do you need to do in the HU (if anything) and then what do you need to do in the SE to make the system go?



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30 minutes ago, Donl1150 said:

Thanks.  So I do have both the red and black adapters (booster style) and now I know I need to use both.  The problem with the link is it gives you no guidance on the steps needed to make the system run.  i.e, what do you need to do in the HU (if anything) and then what do you need to do in the SE to make the system go?

There is only 2 main things different:

1) set up the second network (name) in the Network Utility: Aux A

assign the Controller to Aux A instead of Regular in EACH sequence



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I don't see where I "assign the Controller to Aux A instead of Regular in EACH sequence"




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You don't make the change in the sequence.  You do it in the Preview Editor.


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Is this where you have to assign EACH item a network?  (righthand column)



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2 hours ago, Donl1150 said:

Is this where you have to assign EACH item a network?  (righthand column)




You also have to set it in Network Preferences


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I'm going to expand on what JR said.  Each prop gets assigned to the network, Unit ID, and start channel in Prop Definition as shown above.  The only thing you have to define in Network Preferences is what Comm port is used for each network, the network speed, and if it is Enhanced.  That is NOT done per prop.  The image below is from S4, but it has not changed with S5.  Note that it is VERY unlikely that it will be comm ports 1, 2, & 3.  Mine are actually Comm 3, 4, & 5 - not sure why I staged that screen capture that way...



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In the preview, I have assigned all the elements of the show to be either on Aux A network (all 4 AC controllers) or Regular (Pixies 16) network.  See a portion of the attached.  The HU can find the Regular network on comm4 but it can’t find the Aux A network on comm3.  See attached.  What am I doing wrong?


BTW, when I attempt to Refresh the HU to switch from comm4 to comm3, I am presented a choice of Y or N to a question of will the show be on that network.  I have tried answering both ways but still the HU can’t find the Aux A network.  I am using ELL’s for the Aux A network.









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I asked you yesterday how you are powering the ELL?  If you have the black USB to RS485 adapter connected to the ELL, and nothing else connected to that wire circuit, there is no power to the ELL.


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This is the black adapter I am using.  The other ELL is on the AC controller which is powered on and 8 ports connected to the actual prop.  Do I need something further?



Screen Shot 2021-05-25 at 10.29.57 AM.png

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The booster version of the USB adapter will provide power to the ELL.  The other ELL should be getting power from the attached AC controller.

Since that is not being seen, I would suggest as a test bring one of the AC controllers in to where the computer is.  That will eliminate a couple variables (the ELLs) as the issue.  Also, if you know how to start the Windows Device Manager, you should be able to see the Comm port show up and disappear as you plug in or unplug USB to RS485 adapter.  That will confirm which adapter is getting assigned which comm port.


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1 hour ago, Donl1150 said:

In the preview, I have assigned all the elements of the show to be either on Aux A network (all 4 AC controllers) or Regular (Pixies 16) network.  See a portion of the attached.  The HU can find the Regular network on comm4 but it can’t find the Aux A network on comm3.  See attached.  What am I doing wrong?


BTW, when I attempt to Refresh the HU to switch from comm4 to comm3, I am presented a choice of Y or N to a question of will the show be on that network.  I have tried answering both ways but still the HU can’t find the Aux A network.  I am using ELL’s for the Aux A network.









When changing things in HU once established ALWAYS SAY "NO" if you would like to use the new comm for the show. Normally Comm 3 is the show. That is what I advise everyone. That's like the "Auto Configure Comm Port" once established NEVER hit that panic button.


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23 hours ago, k6ccc said:

Since that is not being seen, I would suggest as a test bring one of the AC controllers in to where the computer is.  That will eliminate a couple variables (the ELLs) as the issue.  Also, if you know how to start the Windows Device Manager, you should be able to see the Comm port show up and disappear as you plug in or unplug USB to RS485 adapter.  That will confirm which adapter is getting assigned which comm port.




I have hardwired the black adapter to the computer and run the HU.   It finds the controller on Comm3 and when tested, all the lights on the prop work.  Perhaps my ELL's have died.   I have also looked on the Device Manager with both the black and red adapters plugged in.. Windows finds both...the black on Comm3 and the red on Comm4.  When I unplug them, the DM drops them off as expected.


  • when I run the HU and Refresh on Comm4, it finds the controller and all pixels work properly
  • I change the Manual Select to Comm3, I say NO to should that be the show port, then Refresh.  It finds the AC controller and all lights work fine.  At this point, both controllers have their indicator lights on steady, meaning they must be on their network connections.
  • When I exit the HU, Comm3 drops out and the indicator light is blinking green.  The Pixie light remains on steady red.
  • I play a Sequence and the Pixie works fine and both the Prop and the Preview are working fine.  Nothing of course from the AC Prop connected to the Comm3 black adapter.

Any thoughts how to proceed now?



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23 hours ago, dibblejr said:

When changing things in HU once established ALWAYS SAY "NO" if you would like to use the new comm for the show. Normally Comm 3 is the show. That is what I advise everyone. That's like the "Auto Configure Comm Port" once established NEVER hit that panic button.


My show seems run on Comm4.  I have obviously hit that panic button several times trying to get both Comm3 & Comm4 to work.  When I say YES to Comm3 being the show port, the HU finds the AC controller but when the sequence is played, nothing happens.  When I change it back to Comm4 as the show port, the Pixie works fine but the AC controller is not found on Comm3.

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41 minutes ago, Donl1150 said:

I have hardwired the black adapter to the computer and run the HU.   It finds the controller on Comm3 and when tested, all the lights on the prop work.  Perhaps my ELL's have died.   I have also looked on the Device Manager with both the black and red adapters plugged in.. Windows finds both...the black on Comm3 and the red on Comm4.  When I unplug them, the DM drops them off as expected.

Progress!  Now you see why I wanted you to eliminate the ELL from the equation.  What you are seeing in the Windows Device Manager is exactly what you should be seeing.

45 minutes ago, Donl1150 said:
  • when I run the HU and Refresh on Comm4, it finds the controller and all pixels work properly
  • I change the Manual Select to Comm3, I say NO to should that be the show port, then Refresh.  It finds the AC controller and all lights work fine.  At this point, both controllers have their indicator lights on steady, meaning they must be on their network connections.


46 minutes ago, Donl1150 said:

When I exit the HU, Comm3 drops out and the indicator light is blinking green.  The Pixie light remains on steady red.

Unless the Pixie is different from every other LOR controller, I would have expected the status LED on the Pixie to go back to flashing just as the AC controllers did.  That tells me that you have something else is driving that LOR network.  Do you have the LOR control panel running (which also starts the Comm Listener)?

51 minutes ago, Donl1150 said:

I play a Sequence and the Pixie works fine and both the Prop and the Preview are working fine.  Nothing of course from the AC Prop connected to the Comm3 black adapter.

Since that seems to have been expected by you, that makes me think that you have not revised your preview to reflect having the AC controllers on the AuxA network.  However your string summary screen capture shows that you have updated the preview.

In your screen capture of your String Summary, you are showing the AC controllers on the AuxA network and the Pixie on the Regular network.  In your recent post, you state that according to the Windows Device Manager, the Black adapter is on Comm3 and the Red adapter is on Comm4.  In Network Preferences have you assigned the Regular Network to Comm4 and the AuxA network to Comm3?


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Change the regular “show” network to 3 and aux a to 4

Problem solved

i find it more reliable to us the pixie on aux A when a separate network is required. 

The pixie light should start flashing once it stops receiving data


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