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rgb dumb lights


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Hi.   Is there a video or tutorial on how to sequence dumb rgb lights?  All I am finding is the smart pixels etc.  I've search but not finding anything.



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Dumb RGB light strings usually means all the lights on the string will be the same color (hence being "dumb").  Usually they are wired with 4 wires: 1 each for Red, Green and Blue, and a common.  You use something like a LOR CMB24D to control what color you want the string of lights to be.  RGB just means you can mix the red/green/blue to make any color you want the string to be.

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Just use the color chooser to set the RGB (group if you set your CMB up correctly) color. 💡 set both ends of the fade setting to the same color, to set a block of time .

The only real difference from the AC controller is you set Color

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When you setup your Prop Definition for a Dumb Prop - Select the RGB Tab - select Dumb RGB (3 Channel) - now when you sequence - that Prop will display 3 color channels

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I'll add a bit of info for you. The DC controller outputs (3) different -12vdc levels and (1) +12vdc. Usually the black wire in this case is the +12vdc but pay close attention to the labels on the strip itself. There is no manufacturer standard to the color coding. With that said, usually, the Red wire is for Red, Blue for Blue and Green for Green. You can attach clip leads to them from the power supply and test by simply connecting the +12vdc wire then touch -12vdc to each of the R, G, B wires one at a time. The controller varies those -12vdc levels on each of the outputs to obtain whatever color you wish the strip too be. As stated already, in the case of dumb strips, the entire strip will be whatever color you wish it to be and the fades, twinkles and shimmers will work.

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14 hours ago, dgrant said:

I'll add a bit of info for you. The DC controller outputs (3) different -12vdc levels and (1) +12vdc. Usually the black wire in this case is the +12vdc but pay close attention to the labels on the strip itself. There is no manufacturer standard to the color coding. With that said, usually, the Red wire is for Red, Blue for Blue and Green for Green. You can attach clip leads to them from the power supply and test by simply connecting the +12vdc wire then touch -12vdc to each of the R, G, B wires one at a time. The controller varies those -12vdc levels on each of the outputs to obtain whatever color you wish the strip too be. As stated already, in the case of dumb strips, the entire strip will be whatever color you wish it to be and the fades, twinkles and shimmers will work.

CAUTION -12V is not the same as 12V - (aka return). This is not an issue when using the supplies sold with lights. they don't have a -12 output that is very common on Computer supplies (connections between +12 and -12 is 24V )

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