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Add a Pixie controller to the sequence in S5


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I have stated the conversion process from S4 to S5.  I have successfully converted all of my sequences from my 2020 show into S5!  So I am now at the point of creating a Prop for a hanging pixel bulb and adding it into my Preview.  I was able to create the Prop & have imported it into my Preview and now want to add the Pixie controller to my sequences.

In S4, you do so by right clicking on the last AC channel and Inserting a device.  I can't seem to find that functionality in S5.  How do I add a controller to the sequence?



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In Preview Design,  Click on Add. Then in the popup window, the third line down says "Add a Light-O-Rama device (AC controller, Cosmic, Pixie, Pixcon, Flood, etc)".

Good luck! 

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currently I would assume you have ALL the pixels for the Bulb as one Prop - I would assume you would have to "Group" the Pixels for each element in the Prop.

Although - I have yet to find anyone sharing a Prop Preview for the RGB Bulb - Incandescent Props are much easier to configure the element layout - for us newbies.

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Thanks, found that but now I am confused on the choices for the drop downs:

Base Unit ID: (01-whatever)

Network (Pretty sure it stays as regular)

RGB Channels: (1-whatever)

Channels per Unit ID: (16, 32 or 48)

My existing Preview has 4 - AC controllers only ...... pretty simple layout.  So I assume my Pixie will be Unit 05 but don't know the other selections.

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4 minutes ago, Jimehc said:

currently I would assume you have ALL the pixels for the Bulb as one Prop - I would assume you would have to "Group" the Pixels for each element in the Prop.

Although - I have yet to find anyone sharing a Prop Preview for the RGB Bulb - Incandescent Props are much easier to configure the element layout - for us newbies.

My Bulb has 200 total pixels and I have built it in Preview with 8 separate items: Outline, Eyes Open, Eyes Clsd, Top Lip, Mid Lip, Btm Lip, Cirlce Mouth, Oval Mouth.  Yep I did Group them.  Too late for incans ...... I have the sucker built already with pixels.

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I would assume you would need to use Two Pixie Ports and Two Strings of 100 Pixels.. (Like the LOR Singing Trees) Then Add motion effect rows to Group the individual Pixels for each element in the Bulb.

Unless you break down your Pixel Stings and use 8 Pixie Ports - kind of a waste of a a Pixie Controller..

Your method is how I did it for Incandescent

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I think your thought is the better way to do it, but again, too late.  A more experienced person most likely would have done that.  This is my first venture into pixels and I chose to use 8 ports as indicated above.  That way I can copy & paste the sequence to match one of my other 3 singing faces that have 8 channels of AC incans.  Trial & error learning process for me!

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40 minutes ago, Donl1150 said:

Thanks, found that but now I am confused on the choices for the drop downs:

Base Unit ID: (01-whatever)

Network (Pretty sure it stays as regular)

RGB Channels: (1-whatever)

Channels per Unit ID: (16, 32 or 48)

My existing Preview has 4 - AC controllers only ...... pretty simple layout.  So I assume my Pixie will be Unit 05 but don't know the other selections.

You need a RED high speed adapter on a separate network from you AC controllers. Usually Aux A to start.

I HIGHLY recommend looking at the @dibblejr setup tutorial found here. It's the basically same setup for a Pixie 2.  


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Got the adapter already and know about the separate network.  Have been working with JR on my whole transition for a while but I know he is busy these days and I didn't want to burden him so I figured I would post here for some tips.

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21 minutes ago, Donl1150 said:

Got the adapter already and know about the separate network.  Have been working with JR on my whole transition for a while but I know he is busy these days and I didn't want to burden him so I figured I would post here for some tips.

I answered your PM.

Yes you can use 2 ports if you use the custom design.

It would be a test because I wasn’t S5 when I started using DMX controllers for my faces and pixel pack. Pixel pack is using pixel strings for multiple props per port

Note- you have to label each port. Use a # in front esp for faces.

Example : 1 Outline 

                 2 Open Eyes

When complete sort by title and then export the grid Config. LORCHaN 

You will have to do that with each if you want them to all be under the same fixture.

Also Group them once done and put the # of nodes in the group titles. That way when you copy paste you know how many times to paste.

That is the daunting task with pixel packing. It adds a lot of work up front but necessary to keep them straight


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16 minutes ago, Donl1150 said:

Got the adapter already and know about the separate network.  Have been working with JR on my whole transition for a while but I know he is busy these days and I didn't want to burden him so I figured I would post here for some tips.

The NAME of the network (regular, AuxA...) used just needs to match the Network setting for that adapter. 

Note: you list LOR 4.4.4. You may need to do some updates to see some newer adapters.  Start by downloading the latest LOR_devicefile.txt from the official sit (and follow the placement instructions)

If your AC controllers are Gen 3, they can co-exist on the same net

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1 hour ago, Jimehc said:

currently I would assume you have ALL the pixels for the Bulb as one Prop - I would assume you would have to "Group" the Pixels for each element in the Prop.

Although - I have yet to find anyone sharing a Prop Preview for the RGB Bulb - Incandescent Props are much easier to configure the element layout - for us newbies.

I have shared or created many singing bulbs for people. Both Incan and RGB.

The only ones I don’t share with are the people who abused the sharing policy.

If you search or post up a request maybe you would receive what your are looking for.

I probably have almost every common singing prop available.


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10 minutes ago, TheDucks said:

The NAME of the network (regular, AuxA...) used just needs to match the Network setting for that adapter. 

Note: you list LOR 4.4.4. You may need to do some updates to see some newer adapters.  Start by downloading the latest LOR_devicefile.txt from the official sit (and follow the placement instructions)

If your AC controllers are Gen 3, they can co-exist on the same net

Thanks for the reminder on my signature.  Haven't looked at that in ages.  I am certain my AC's are Gen 3.

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Hello JR, I am looking for the Holiday Coro 4' Singing Pumpkin and Singing Tree (Not the Monsters) - I may also be adding the Boscoyo Singing Bulbs at a later date...

Thank You - jimehc@twc.com

PS. you still can not receive messages

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1 hour ago, Jimehc said:

Hello JR, I am looking for the Holiday Coro 4' Singing Pumpkin and Singing Tree (Not the Monsters) - I may also be adding the Boscoyo Singing Bulbs at a later date...

Thank You - jimehc@twc.com

PS. you still can not receive messages

Hmm, I get them from Don.

Cleaned out some messages. My Iphone said 84% but it was 100%.

The 4’ pumpkin is the same as all others just 4’

The trees I have had forever

Got some stuff going on so easier for me to get on a cell right now (back issues) so I stand up more than anything.

Once I get on a laptop I will get the pumpkin out.

What are the unit IDs you need?

It will be S4 so if you need S5 it’s just a quick upload

*** For those of you getting GE or Boscoyo singers they are based on 4 mouth movements and you have to do some work to modify to 5 which is the typical shared or purchased AC singers.

Know before yoi buy.



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I have 1C-1F open on one pixie controller - and 2C-2F on the other

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7 hours ago, tlogan said:

You need a RED high speed adapter on a separate network from you AC controllers. Usually Aux A to start.

I HIGHLY recommend looking at the @dibblejr setup tutorial found here. It's the basically same setup for a Pixie 2.  


No need for an aux network. ATM he doesnt have enough controllers to require one. He can run a plethora of AC controllers with 1 or 2 pixie16's unless he over loads on pixels.


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7 hours ago, Jimehc said:

Hello JR, I am looking for the Holiday Coro 4' Singing Pumpkin and Singing Tree (Not the Monsters) - I may also be adding the Boscoyo Singing Bulbs at a later date...

Thank You - jimehc@twc.com

PS. you still can not receive 

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20 hours ago, Jimehc said:

Although - I have yet to find anyone sharing a Prop Preview for the RGB Bulb - Incandescent Props are much easier to configure the element layout - for us newbies.

I have the HolidayCoro singing 4' Pumpkin and 4' Christmas tree that I use in my setups, as well as 4 small singing Christmas trees and 6 Boscoyo standing RGB bulbs.  I am not at home to double check, but I believe I downloaded the Boscoyo pixel bulb configuration via the prop definition/controller setup in LOR (S5).  I know I did NOT configure it myself.  I will double check how I downloaded the definition tonight.

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(Found it) Thank You - You can Import the Boscoyo Prop Definitions via the Preview

But it does not offer the Holiday Coro Props

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