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Network preferences- delete E1.31 network question


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In Network Preferences, when building E1.31 networks, it is easy to build them 32 universes at a time.  In order to unbuild a DMX universe, you have to change it back to "Use adapter = None".  Is there a way to do that more than one at a time?

Here's my scenario.  Normally during the off season, I run my show from server which only has five universes defined.  I needed to do a test of the show player to my P5 and P10 matrix panels - which totals 108 universes.  After my 10 minute test, I want to remove those 108 universes from the server.  I really don't want to have to delete 108 universes - one at a time.

In case someone is wondering why I need to delete them, and can't just leave them running from the server, here's the answer.  During the off season, I routinely test stuff on the matrix panels from the family room computer (what I primarily sequence on), so this computer is sending E1.31 frames to the panels when I am testing.  That would conflict with the server sending E1.31 frames to the panels.

And yes, what I SHOULD have done is export the config in the normal configuration, and then I could Import it after the test.


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There is not a way to delete more than one at time, other than using the import function. This is high on our list to fix. I have had remote sessions where I had to delete nearly all 999 DMX entries by hand, so I know your pain.


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Thanks Matt.

Fortunately, I lucked out.  I DID have a saved config that was almost "normal" saved on that computer.  Loaded that, changed one universe, and good to go.


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