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Enabling Schedule or a Show automatically on startup

HiViz LED Lighting

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Hey guys (and gals)-

I thought I posted this a week or so ago, but I can't find my original post.  Sorry if it's a duplicate!

I have a unique use case where I need a laptop to boot up, and once booted, automatically either enable a show, or enable a schedule.  (prefer to automatically log in and run the show).  I have LOR S4 on this machine, and have it set to auto-run, which is great, but I can't figure out how to enable the show on demand as soon as it logs in.

Any ideas for what I might do?

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 If the Control Panel is set to launch at startup and there is a show scheduled and enable shows is selected, it will just run.

Furthermore if you set the option in the BIOS to restart after a power loss the PC will boot as soon as the power is applied and the software will load and run. You may have to remove the Windows login password though.

No need to mess with show on demand.

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40 minutes ago, PhilMassey said:

You may have to remove the Windows login password though.

You can also set it to log in with whatever account you select with a couple registry settings (Google it - it's easy).


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