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Virtual Christmas Summit - Free to Attend!


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If you're brand new to Light-O-Rama (or even have a few years under your belt), consider attending the Virtual Christmas Summit this April 10 and 11 via Zoom, free of charge!

I (Aubrey Kall) will be the room host for the majority of the LOR classes, and am in charge of coordination for the LOR presentation schedule for this conference. 12 presenters have graciously agreed to share their knowledge by way of 17 classes over the course of two days, including LOR developers Matt Brown and Brian Bruderer. (See the schedule here: http://www.virtualchristmassummit.com/schedule)

When you register, be sure to select that you're an LOR User so you're entered into the raffle drawings for LOR prizes! http://www.virtualchristmassummit.com/register

If you have any questions you can't find answers to on the website, just respond to this thread or send me a PM! :)


Edited by Aubrey
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