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Playback Bar / Preview pauses ever 4 sec.

Dennis Warren

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My play back hesitates or briefly pauses every --> 4 seconds <-- and is annoying. Computer is I7 7th gen, 64G ram and a GTX1070 8G video. All drivers updated and task manager shows CPU and GPU average 3-5% when running the preview, and no spikes.

I set playback preferences to lowest Good setting and tried the others and still get the pause. I have not setup the lights yet to see if there is an impact there. I'm in the process of migrating to S5

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Does the audio play OK in Windows Media Player, outside of Sequencer. If not it could be corrupted. Does it do it for the whole song, or every song.

II the audio file an MP3 in constant bit rate format. Variable Bit Rate files sometimes cause playback issues. Run it through Audacity, free audio editor and re encode it or try a WAV file.

I assume you have tried a restart of the machine.

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Audio plays fine in Media Player and LOR far as sound. It's the visual playback when the red bar scans across the sequencer window with/without preview window. I've noticed the Media player visualizer hesitates as well. All 4 of my computers and all music MP3/Wav. I checked S4 on another computer and it does it there as well. Just more pronounced in S5. :( 

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If it does it on S4 and S5, on multiple machines and in Windows Media player then it must be either the media file or something with Media Player. Is this Windows 10?

Try disabling the Media Player visualization if you can find it. It's been a long time since I messed with WMP.

I have never seen this issue in any version of the LOR software and I have thousands of channel's

Sequencer sometimes pauses briefly if it gets really busy but it's occasional and not as frequent as you describe and again that is with many thousands of channel's. It NEVER happens with the show player though.



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Is it with different songs or just a certain song?

Sometimes this type of problem will occur when copying YouTube music or on remade old music.


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remade old music and many songs in my 80G library both mp3 and wav. My next step is to re-rip the music needed and also look again seen if I can disable the WMP visualizer and any enhancements.  Bad part is some of the Media has been modified to shorten so if I have issues with those - lol -    We'll see once I get past the this tune.  Thanks again for the comments.

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update... Still have the issue.   I've tried new rips from CD - MP3, Wav, and WMA. Tried creating a new musicals with various formats and fresh rips with a default (blank) previews. None of these seem to remove the hesitation every 4 seconds.

Reloaded Media Player and disabled the WMP Visualizer.

Created Animation only - No Issue

Running Windows 10, I7 7th Gen, 63G Ram, SSD drives, ASRock X299 XE Taichi. Triple 27" Monitors. I reduced to 1 monitor just in case - no difference.


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I don't actually think this will work, but in Tools/Sequencer Preferences, the editing tab, try checking the second option in the double click to edit.  Also in Playback, change the color sample to No Color Sample.

Does it do it with control lights unchecked.

Have you tried an uninstall and reinstall of S5.

It may be time to try a help ticket.

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All mine have been doing this for some time now, new sequences, old sequences, all drivers are updated, tried the three different levels of playback also.  one computer is worse than the other, but both do it, has been for I think the last three versions of 5.  Doesn't matter if you are controlling the lights or not for me, and if you are controlling the lights with sequencer, the lights have that same pause.  Both machines also have an SSD drive.  Luckily if you make a show, and use scheduler it works without the pausing.  Also the only thing installed on the one that is the worst, is LOR, MS office, and the server connector.  Don't think that there is something running in the back ground that is messing with LOR.  All music is run through audacity, and saved constant bit rate, and 128kbs.  All sequences are on the machines themselves, not on a cloud or common drive.


I was trying to track this down last year also   


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Yep I tried the above and just did a fresh install. No luck. Time to submit a ticket.    Thx everyone for your input / suggestions.

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So do I. Hate to go back to S4 and stay AC only. :(   Ya I can do RGB there but rather take advantage of the S5 and upgrade to Pro/SS. One thing to note, I did connect a controller and ran tests there. Doesn't seem to effect the lights so this is graphic only issue. Just makes it a pain to sequence with the pausing/stutter every 4 sec.

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6 hours ago, Dennis Warren said:

 Doesn't seem to effect the lights so this is graphic only issue. Just makes it a pain to sequence with the pausing/stutter every 4 sec.

I have the problem on two machines, the one in the shed is much worse, and is the show computer.  If I try to run the lights with sequencer on the show machine the lights will pause with the graphics, but not when running a show.  The machine I use to sequence with in the house the pause is not as pronounced, but it is there.  Up until last August or so, I I can't recall having this issue with either machine.  I even upgraded the hard drives on both computers to an SSD and that didn't help.  Graphic drivers have been updated, Audio drivers are updated. I have just been putting up with it when sequencing.  I don't know if this info helps or not, the machine it is worse on is using 1 monitor, and I don't have the preview/visualizer window active on that one.  The machine in the house that is less pronounced, I have a dual monitor set up with Sequencer on one and the preview/visualizer on the second.  If I remember right the problem started after a big windows update, but that might have been a coincidence!

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smh     one word...     --> McAfee  <--  I turned off real time scanning and the issue goes away.   Thought I had this first but guess I only tried to exclude the exe files and that didn't work but turning off McAfee did.

So here's my work around for now...  Turn off McAfee Real Time Scan,  Start SE, Turn on McAfee Scan.    Long as I do not close SE the play is fine and I can open and close sequences without issue until SE is fully closed and reopened.

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I personally suggest you dump that junk antivirus and use Windows Defender. All you need and wont kill your machine.

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52 minutes ago, PhilMassey said:

I personally suggest you dump that junk antivirus and use Windows Defender. All you need and wont kill your machine.



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Well heck, saw your post about McAfee and tried it.  Completely fixed the show computer in the shed.  Gonna take Phil Masseys suggestion and K6ccc Jim's plus one and delete McAfee on both and go with just defender!  Thanks for letting us know what you found!

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+1 on McAffee being garbage. A long time ago it was good. Now it’s a money pit.


Edited by dibblejr
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