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S5 how to create Tree prop with only 1 channel LOR AC controller

Daryl Hurd

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In S5 it seems that when you add a 16 channel LOR controller, the symbol for each channel is a star. Is there any way to use another symbol such as a tree? I have 16 Blue Xmas light trees (one on each channel.)

Only 1 channel per 6ft tree and I want to better represent on the sequencer the size.

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I had to try it to see what you were talking about.  I essentially NEVER add a controller - add props instead (as Don said).  Add controller seldom makes sense IMHO.


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The "Star" is just a "Channel Marker" for the controller (The Default Prop) to edit that Prop

Double Click on that one "Star" that will bring up the "Prop Definition"

In the center column you will see "Shape" and a scroll box below it - select "Tree 360 Tiers" - set "Number of tiers" to 1

Then "Save" the  "Prop Definition" ( upper left corner )

Now you change Bulb > Shape & Size, Scale, etc (bottom left corner of "Preview") by selecting that "Tree Prop"

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The other one that you can do is to simply change the shape to a triangle and change the size (down in the lower left corner as KYHI said).  That will likely get it close enough to a "tree" shape.


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Thanks All! 

Great suggestions from all of you. I went with changing the shape to a triangle and making it the right size.

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So I do see you can set a prop as a dumb RGB setup or even as Pixels. But is there a way to set 4 or even just 2 channels instead of 3 and or select the colors available?

Reason I ask, is that I several props that I would like to be able to handle kinda like a pixel. 

For example I have 8 tomato cage LED light trees with Red, Green, Blue and White (4 channel.) 

I have (16) 6ft LED Light trees that are just Blue and White (2 channel.) 

4 LED 6ft Trees Red, Green, Blue and White. (4 channel)

I see I can overlay individual channel symbols on top of each other. I assume I have to set transparency though on all stacked symbols.


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If they are AC props then do not use RGB -

But to use 1 AC prop that will DISPLAY different color channels - then go back into "Traditional" and  change "Type" to "Channel Per Color"

Remember: You only get 16 Controller Outputs on an AC Controller - meaning if you have 4 props with 4 colors, that is a full Controller output - unless you setup each prop to "Share" (Use The Same Channels) as another similar prop

Edit: That is the reason to use Pixels - Only requires 1 controller output - to define different colors for the prop..



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