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1602 wont make lights flash


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I have set my comm port and that works. I installed the firmware and the unit id is set to 01. Max units is set to 5. The led light goes from flashing to steady. Looks like everything is great.

When i go testing and try lighting the channels no lights.

So now what?

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near the center at the top of the HWU there is a button that will scan the network.

Once you scan the network for active controllers within the range from 1 to the setting on the max units, you will then use the drop down to the right of the above mention button to select the controller you want to control.


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Yes, I have selected the unit 01. It looks like I have everything selected per the manual. I just do not have light channels that will turn on the lights. I have selected all channels with lights on option.

I Just do not get lights on.

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No, I just had to make the power cords and hook them up.

I am wondering if I somehow missed a step with firm ware or software.

However the message box says I was successful in download and tells me the system is active and talking to the pc.

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Yes my unit is a CTB16PC. I have set the unit id to 01 and auto detected the system which does find the unit. I have then installed the firm ware and then I go to the hardware utility to test the system.

I click lights on all channels but I do not get lights on.

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This is a dumb question, are you talking about the firmware download?

I just bought two of these units this year, one a couple of weeks ago. When I got it together I just hooked it up, ran a unit scan, set id # and was off to the races. I'm not sure what the firmware is exactly, just the software.

If it is a firmware download I think I read that it's for controlling the unit with DMX or something like that (I am still new at this), and that if your running a LOR network that the download shouldn't be installed, I think.

Not sure if this is what happened or if it even matters but that's what I read.

I think the controller can be reset, that may return it to factory specs. Then try it.

I hope someone who knows what they are talking about can confirm this or not as like I said, I'm new at this and not an expert.

Hope it gets resolved,


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Oh, boy do I feel dumb. This was really basic. I have a 30 amp heat sinc with two power in cords. I only had one power cord plugged in that gave power for the LED light but no power to channels 1 - 8.

I plugged in the second power cord and presto I now have lights working. I only had lights plugged into channels 1 - 3.

Oh, this was a basic simple thing.

Thanks everyone for your suggestions.

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