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Control panel issue after upgrade


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So I upgraded from S4 to Pro. When I click on the CP icon to open it, a quick start window pops up on the screen and I cant get rid of item w/o restarting the computer. 

Also as long as that pop up window is open, clicking on the red light bulb to bring up the CP does nothing.

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Does it look something like this (if your browser does not show the image, click the link below):



Yours wont likely have as many lines of text, but the title at the top is the important part.  That is the Comm Listener and will start any time the Control Panel is opened.  Just minimize it - DONT close it with the X.  When you unload LOR (from the light bulb), the Comm Listener will go away.

The Comm Listener is the background piece that handles communication to the lighting circuits.


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Thanks for the quick reply. But its not the comm listener that I am talking about.  Let me re-explain. When I open the CP via the shortcut on the desk top, it throws a quick start window up in the middle of the screen, it also puts the red bulb where it is supposed to go. When I click on the X I could not get rid of the QS window, therefore I had no response from the light bulb.

I did figure out the problem though. I guess my monitor display setting had the screen too wide so I could not see the message that keep coming up in the far upper right hand corner to ask if I wanted to ignore the QS window.


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Glad you got it figured out. We design for a minimum screen resolution of 1366x768 (standard laptop screen size), which just fits that popup message.


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54 minutes ago, rmturner54 said:

So I upgraded from S4 to Pro. When I click on the CP icon to open it, a quick start window pops up on the screen and I cant get rid of item w/o restarting the computer. 

Also as long as that pop up window is open, clicking on the red light bulb to bring up the CP does nothing.

Apparently Matt and the OP were typing their responses at about the same time I was typing mine. LOL


As far as I'm aware, ever since that pop up window started {with S4}, the CP has NEVER been available with the pop up menu when clicking the red LOR light bulb.  That light bulb and the comm listener ONLY show up AFTER the LOR Control Panel has been started by the user from the Light-O-Rama folder under the program files, the Desk Top or Task Bar if placed there. 

Once started that window lives on your task bar as long as the CP is running and the LOR red light bulb is showing.  If you unload the software, they go away, red LOR bulb and the comm listener window.   I would prefer a way to have that comm listener window hidden in some fashion, because sometimes I click it accidentally and sometimes I forget and hit the red X to close it, but if the CP is running, it just reappears again.

Edited by Orville
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Just to be clear, the OP was talking about this window, not the Comm Listener:


Control Panel - into.png

Some users don't see this window because they clicked the "Do not show this message in the future" box.


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That's exactly what I did Matt when I installed the LOR Suite.  Checked the Launch at Startup and disabled a lot of those annoying windows with don't show this again option.

At the time I typed my response, I thought the OP was talking about the Comm Listener, since that is what it sounded like at the time, and after I hit "Save" saw your and the OP's responses and so I edited my reply, since there is no way "I" can delete it.  And a message with just a . or something that would make no sense, so I added the IGNORE THIS COMMENT.


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