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Migration S4 sequences to S5

James Shelby

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I can bring up an s4 sequence in s5 and I have tracks but if I use the s4 sequence to make a preview I lose the tracks if I use that preview to create a new sequence. Am I doing something wrong or does s5 not use tracks?

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Your tracks should import as grid view groups. Grid view groups are not saved with the Preview. You need to export your Grid View and import it into future sequences.

Sequence/Grid Config/ Export

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Only sort of.

What was tracks in S4 became views in S5.  Here are a few screen captures on building views.  Starting in the upper left corner, select the icon pointed out with the red arrow.  That will bring up the menu shown in the capture to the right.  Select "Add New View" (the green arrow).  The next capture to the right allows you to name the view (the yellow oval - and I have not given it a name yet).  The next capture in the lower right shows my new view as it will start creating (the purple square).  In the last capture in the lower left, I have expanded Preview Props and selected my six arches.  You can select whatever props or groups that yo want and put them in any order desired.

If YOUR browser does not display the screen captures, there is a link to the screen capture below.




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In s5 I open an s4 sequence, ignoring all the errors and start your directions? S5 has blown up my sequences from s4 so I am trying to find a good base template to start rebuilding all my sequences, a base template that has all my original channels. Some subtracks in s4 have channels not found in track one. I am trying not to rewrite everything in s5 to save time.  

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Ok I think I got it now, or at least better. The view in the s5 sequence editing window is still messed up but it gives me all the channels and tracks, now I can edit everything from the s5 sequence edit window then export maybe. I am going to give myself two years to get this running and leave s4 on the show computer for now. Thanks for the help.

Edited by James Shelby
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Just an FYI, building a new preview in S5 (not an import from S4) is not all that hard to do, and at least in some cases, may end up being easier than trying an import.


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My friend Jim above hit the nail on the head.

I started migration in January 2020. 

My S4 vis has always been clean but I knew I would be removing all non pixel props so I removed most all LED props.

Imported the Vis and it was horrible.

I then quit S5 for a few weeks and tried again.

Same results and same reaction from


Then some of my friends took me under their wings and helped me build  my preview. From that experience I learned a lot about S5 and had a successful Covid show for 5 months.

You will learn more doing the new build in S5.

Granted I received a lot of help from great friends here along the way Ann’s I am as always great full for their help.

Most of those guys are within this thread. 


Edited by dibblejr
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I just started with S5. And I found that exact same thing. It was easier for me to start from scratch with building a new preview. That also  helped me in the learning phase too.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been working with S5 for 3 days and wow. 13 years working S2/S3/S4 we've built up to 30 AC Controllers - no RGB. I'm looking at RGB this year but if I can wrap my head around S5 to make sure our basic shows work as is. Keeping S4 on the other computers just in case. First step after playing around is yes, back off converting the entire horde of sequences, start with 1 unit 16 chn go to basics. Learn and perhaps build props then eventually export/import to the masses. Difficulty is a bit higher for we do Halloween 14 controllers and Xmas 30 controllers. Between the two seasons we have nearly 40 sequences to convert. 75% of props (aka shrubs) are in same location just different color so I'll start the Xmas then export and use as a base preview for Halloween.    

Let the fun begin...

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