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Few Questions on Large RGB Bulbs vs Smaller Pixels


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I am adding a 360 degree pixel tree for next season.  

1.  It seems the bulbs would be more suited to a 360 degree tree then the flat square pixels and small bulbs that need the plastic straps.  Any comments?

2. Do the large LOR RGB bulbs support themselves without straps? If support needed do they make clear straps for the large bulbs? I am looking at 100 pixel strings.

3. How long are the RGB bulb strings?  Need to see how tall a pole for a 16x100 tree.

4,  They are more expensive but visibility seems like it would be better for wrap around effects.

Thanks in advance for any info.

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All the pixel strings need support.   They can not support their own weight.   You can select your own spacing by how you mount them up to the space on the string.   Also I should point out the space between pixels is NOT precise.  Do not count on every space being exactly on spec within a string or across strings.   

Tree calculator


Edited by ItsMeBobO
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I think the 50 bulb pixel strands are around 25 feet, I think the 100 would be twice that or 50 feet in length.

And like Bob said, no, they won't support themselves, you'll have to use Zip Ties or some other method to hold them in place.

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There are A LOT of opinions on width of a tree.  And it is a bit different for a round tree vs a flat tree.  In my case, mine is a flat tree with a star on top.  I have the angle of the outermost strings on the tree exactly the same as the outer slope of the star.  That means that the lit portion of my tree is just a hair over 11 feet and the bottom of the lit portion is a little over 9 feet wide.  I make use of the fact that those outer strings line up with the star in several sequences.  This screen capture is from 2014 when it was a 12 string tree, but you can see how the line up comes out.  If your browser wont display the photo, there is a link to it below the picture.



You can watch the rest of that video here.  The lineup shown above is at about 45 seconds into the video.



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