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Singing Tree's (LED Lights) dropping commands in Show mode / Need help troubleshooting


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There are four Singing Christmas Tree's using two LOR1600Wg3 controllers and I am getting random issues with the tree outlines and eye's not turning on properly and sometimes not turning off properly when running as an S5 Show, but the issue doesn't happen when I run manually through the S5 Sequencer.

I've been using LOR Gen3 LOR1600Wg3 16 channel controllers for several years and had no previous issues. 
This year I upgraded my show including a new computer, changed the house outline to use DMX/Pixel strips and added AC/LED Singing Tree's.  I have a dual network running DMX over Ethernet for Pixels on their own controllers separate from the Singing Tree's, bushes, and mini-tree's which are using three LOR1600Wg3 AC controllers.

HARDWARE / SOFTWARE (AC part of the show)
LOR S5 Software(Pro license) 
DELL Optiplex 3070 PC running 6 Cores of Intel 9th Gen i5-9500 CPU @ 3Ghz including 8GB of DDR4 RAM and a 256 NVM SSD Drive
USB-RS485 (black) Communication Adapter with double-ferrite filtered USB cable
50' CAT5 (green) cable purchased from LOR
3 x LOR1600Wg3 Controllers running latest firmware as of Nov 2020 (2 x controller running singing tree's + 1 controller running bushes, mini-tree's, FM sign, etc.)
385 x Holiday-Light-Express M6 Mini LED lights per Singing Tree


  1. Problem occurs with different Sequences / Songs (purchased from a sequence store).
  2. Problem does not show up in the Preview display, and because it worked perfectly for several hours I believe it's not a sequence issue.
  3. I thought I had the issue resolved after I removed a shared network USB disk drive and copied the LOR files locally to the PC running the light show and the problem went away for several hours, but the next day the problem returned and has not gone away.
  4. I have replaced the CAT5 cable going from PC to the first controller.
  5. Rebooted the PC running the light show.
  6. Moved the USB-RS485 cable as far away from power cables as possible.
  7. I deleted the compressed fiels in the LORInternal / Playback files, but did notice they keep showing up in a folder called "L" which was the Mapped Network drive letter.  I have Disconnected the L: drive and made sure the sequences are running off the C: drive, but when S5 runs it creates fresh .LMS, .LCS, and .LID files under LORInternal/Playback/L drive folder.  Not sure if this is important or not?
  8. When I run the show from the S5 Sequencer manually the problem does not occur, it seems to only happen when running as a Show. 

Anyone got any thoughts on why it seems I am dropping commands when running as an S5 Show but not having an issue when running from the S5 Sequencer manually when using the same PC?

Edited by illuminati
Clarify issue up front.
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Removing the Background animation sequence that lights the "Tune To 87.9 FM" sign resolved the issue with commands dropping to the singing LED Tree's.  I continue to work with LOR Help Desk to understand what the permanent fix to this bug is, but as a work around I enabled the sign channels from inside each of my musical sequences.

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Sounds to me like you had your background channels present in your main sequences. You can't do that 

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I had the FM sign prop in the Preview Design but I did not have anything programmed on those channels in the Musical Sequences, I only had FM sign information in the Background animation sequence.  What funny is this had always worked in the past with older versions of LOR, but this year I upgraded to S5.

So if I remove the FM sign from the Preview Design I use for the Musical Shows and create a new Preview Design with just the FM sign should that allow me to use the FM sign as a Background animation without issue?

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If the Tune To sign is in a separate sequence that is played in the Background tab NONE of the channels can be duplicated.  That means that the Tune To sequence must be sequenced using a different Preview that only has those channels.  And the Preview used for the musical sequences must NOT have the TuneTo channels.


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Thanks Jim & Phil that worked... I created a preview that has only the FM Sign and its channels and removed those from the musical sequences and now everything runs fine from the S5 Show with no issues with dropped commands!

Odd thing was in previous versions of the LOR software I had not ran into this so I had no idea I was breaking a rule of sequencing background animations...


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